Monday, May 5th, 2014

What's Wrong With This? (tag: Jack)

Things had been anything but boring since Amelia "arrived" on the island. People seemed to know who she was without intoduction, though they insisted on calling her by her maiden name for some reason. How they even knew her maiden name was a puzzle in itself.

Then... )
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Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

What's This? What's Happening? (tag: Jack)

Karen felt like some homeless person. How she fell asleep in her clothes, and in a chair, was beyond her. Then again, most of this was beyond her.

She remembered booking a vacation. Her marriage with Stan was not going well, and she hoped some time away would help. But she didn't remember packing, or going to the airport, or flying to the island. Not to mention the stupid airline apparently lost her luggage, since she didn't have any suitcases or clothing in the room. She must have been on one hell of a bender to have forgotten all that.

At least the room was nice, she mused. As if she would book anything other than a Presidential Suite. The rooms were large and clean, which she noted as she hunted for her clothes. The airline was going to get a piece of her mind!

The first order of business, however, was breakfast. )
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Friday, February 15th, 2013

Displaced (open)

Amelia opened her eyes and that was when her whole world changed.

This was not Shepheard's, where she had momentarily closed her eyes. She had been enjoying a cup of tea on the terrace, reflecting on the past season in Egypt. That had only been a second ago, she would have sworn. But the room she was now in held no resemblance to the familiar hotel in Cairo.

The Master Criminal!

She had been kidnapped again. )
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