All Paths - April 1st, 2008

April 1st, 2008

April 1st, 2008
12:36 am


Hi - opening post and tie-in to March Asylum Meme
Thought I'd intro myself here with a couple of old LJ posts I transferred over, so as to take part in the Asylum Meme that's running. Since the subjects are on-topic here, I hope that's OK. They do both give a pretty clear idea where I come from faith-wise, especially regarding beliefs which differ and what to do about that - without starting wars.

The first is 'Stories - a rant', the second is 'People of the Book - People of Books'. You'll find'em under the cut - which is there for both length and possible annoyance factors for some believers:

Stories - a Rant )

People of the Book, People of Books )

Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: Cyberbird-Yoko Kanno-Stand Alone Complex O.S.T.2

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