all excess sharing avenged sevenfold media's Journal
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sharing avenged sevenfold media

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[28 Jun 2020|04:16pm]

Hi. Welcome to allexcess. As you've stumbled across this community, you're probably wondering to yourself why i bother to have such a place, when we have perfectly good comm's on this server such as a7xmedia and such. So why bother with another one? Well, unlike a7xmedia, i am the only one with posting access. To put it blunt, i honestly have far too much spare time on my hands, and constantly find myself digging up all sorts of media relating to our favorite guys, both day and night. Instead of spamming my username throughout that comm, with both interesting, and not so interesting information, videos, picture, you name it, and annoying people, i have decided to do it here instead. Like many fans out there today, i am another of the ones that are getting tired of seeing fans diss on each other, strike out at some because they have a different opinion, etc etc. This here is my house, my rules. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so please respect that. There will be no fighting throughout comments, and anybody who chooses to belittle anyone else will be banned without hesitation. So please join and enjoy yourselves. And don't forget to spread the word!

-Your friendly internet lurking mod :)
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