September 2011


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Jul. 20th, 2011


Intro to the game.

It was just before dawn when there was one loud continuous clap of thunder, not typical thunder this continued for over an hour and then the bolts of lightening began- but they weren't your typical bolts of lightening they were like columns of lights that lasted for over twenty minutes and left huge craters where they hit earth. To the humans it seemed like it was just another freak electrical storm, but to those who really knew what was going on they knew Heaven had just sent their front line soldiers down to Earth, their Angels and Archangels. Soldiers who would fight alongside the humans and against Hell, Against Lucifer.

God didn't expect it but the release of a large number of Angels onto Earth all at once did not just have an effect on the Weather, but also time. Time in the sense that people were being dragged to the battle front of the Apocalypse, The United States of America. Though he had not anticipated it he soon worked out that this rift would work well in his favour many more people of good nature, that would support human and support Heaven would land here and be part of his army. But he also knew that Lucifers army would rise in retaliation, he took his throne fingers interlaced and watched through the clouds ready to witness the fate of the earth unfold. “Good Luck my army.”

*Do not reply to this thread- make your own in relation to the light storm, or arriving- the year is 2011, the date is the 20th of July.