[icon] Rabastan Lestrange/Ronald Weasley - December 30th, 2007
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Current Music:'Crybaby' Movie
Current Location:Computer Room
Subject:Welcome to 'A Lion to Darkness'
Time:06:16 pm
Current Mood:[mood icon] bored

Banner/Manipulation by: [info]mistressvamp
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Welcome to the first place on the Insane Journal land that is dedicated to the Death Eater, Rabastan Lestrange, and the ever noble Gryffindor, Ronald Weasley. This asylum was started with the creative mind that is known as Joji Sada and her Rabastan/Ron series that was dedicated to Mistress Vamp. If you have never read this pairing or never given them any thought, then let Joji and the Mistress open your mind to a whole new experience.

To join, there are rules:
1) You have to be 18 or older. Joji and the Mistress live in the USA and the legal age is 18. Please have your birthday on your profile so the mods won't have any problems with your age
2) Any and all R/M stories and higher must be LOCKED. If you don't know how, feel free to ask. This isn't a choice. We want to keep underage eyes off of the things they're not old enough to see just yet.
3) Please make sure you have all warning's available in the header before posting. There are some kinks out there that don't like to be read.
4) A proper DISCLAIMER is something like this: JK Rowling owns all Harry Potter characters, scenarios, and canon ideas. Let's face it, people. We're not JKR. She doesn't own the fandom, but she does own the characters. All stories are AU 'cause they're not canon, right? Give her the credit where it's due.
5) Flaming is NOT, under any circumstance, acceptable. If you're a writer, give constructive criticism. If you're not a writer, still give constructive criticism. Flaming is not a choice. You flame, you're banned.

Any questions or comments, please contact Joji or the Mistress.

All in all...HAVE FUN!!!!!!!

:Joji Sada and the Mistress:
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[icon] Rabastan Lestrange/Ronald Weasley - December 30th, 2007
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