Sunday, December 4th, 2011

House Cup Winners - Ravenclaw!

Happy Sunday everyone! Please join me in congratulating our Ravenclaws on their (albeit narrow) victory this term! They won the House Cup with a total of 61 points! As promised, here is your banner. I hope you like it; I've never made one before.

Create your own banner at!
Copy this code to your website to display this banner!

Feel free to copy the code & post it anywhere you want to. & stay tuned for our Spring term, which will begin next year following our December Challenge!

♥ Your Mod,

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Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

A very sorry mod & December Challenge!

Hello all! I am so very sorry for the complete lack of me all through November. I hope you didn't think I forgot about the comm, although it probably seemed like it. I had a crazy month, but I'm here now! Better late than never, right?

Final House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 29, Hufflepuff - 35, Ravenclaw - 61 & Slytherin - 60.

That makes Ravenclaw our first-ever House Cup Winners!!! Congratulations! You will be getting something (I'm thinking a pretty banner) in honor of this asap. For now please accept my gratitude for contributing to my little comm. It makes me smile everytime someone posts here.

For the month of December, we at [info]albuscorpius100 are having a no-pressure, stress-free mini drabble/ficlet/drawble fest, à la [info]dracoharry100.

Your challenge is to produce one drabble/ficlet or drawble for each prompt on the list below, and post one a day, all month long. (If you know you'll be unable to post, just let me know & I can post for you.) All those that post a drabble/ficlet/drawble each day, completing one for each prompt, will receive a v-gift!

Alternately, you may choose to write one fic or draw one picture incorporating all 31 prompts. This will also earn you a v-gift.

Or if you are feeling overly ambitious, do both! & please feel free to combine our prompts with those of other communities if you can.

If all of that sounds like too much, you may continue to post once a week, or whenever you are able. Just take your pick of the prompts below to work with; we want everyone to enjoy!

The word limit is suspended, so you don't have to keep to 100 words unless you really want to. The prompts need not be used in any particular order, & there's no need to state a House affiliation. Your artwork may be as simple or as detailed as you want it to be. Stick art is acceptable. Combinations of art and fic are also welcome.

Above all, have fun & have a wonderful holiday season!

December Challenge 2011 - Prompt list under cut! )

Merry drabbling/drawbling to all! Please remember to tag all of your entries throughout the month with your ij name, as well as "December Challenge 2011."

♥ Your Merry Mod,

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Sunday, October 30th, 2011

Challenge #18

Happy day-before Halloween! I hope everyone enjoys the holiday! I can't wait to put on my costume!

After this week, there will only be three more challenges until we declare the winner of the House Cup! Any House could still win it, so make sure to contribute as much as possible if you want to be victorious! Then we will be doing something special for the month of December, so stay tuned for news on that front. :)

House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 29, Hufflepuff - 33, Ravenclaw - 60 & Slytherin - 56.

Our challenge this week is a sinister list of words. Use one or use them all, it's entirely up to you!

Challenge #18 - Haunted, cemetery, blood, poison, hell, fog.

Happy drabbling/drawbling to you all! Please remember to tag all of your entries with your ij name, as well as "haunted, cemetery, blood, poison, hell," & "fog."

♥ Your Mod,

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Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

Challenge #17

Happy Sunday night! I hope you all had a pleasant weekend. The weather has been quite nice here lately. I do love this time of year. :)

House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 29, Hufflepuff - 33, Ravenclaw - 59 & Slytherin - 51.

Our Halloween-themed challenge this week is:

Challenge #17 - Ghost

Happy drabbling/drawbling everyone! Please remember to tag all of your entries with your ij name, as well as "ghost."

♥ Your Mod,

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Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

Humpathon 2011

Attention drabblers! Our wonderful affiliate, [info]hp_humpdrabbles, is having a drabbleathon! In order to participate by reading/writing/whatever, simply follow this link to read the (very simple) rules. Easy peasy, right? Have fun drabbling! :)

[info]hp_humpdrabbles presents Humpathon 2011
October 10 - 31, 2011Get Lucky
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Sunday, October 16th, 2011

Challenge #16

Happy Sunday everyone! We went & got our pumpkins & gourds today for Halloween & I'm so excited! I'm going to be Luna this year. I can't wait! What are you all being for Halloween?

Oh, & I've decided to count my drabbles for Gryffindor after all. I didn't know if everyone would be okay with that or not, but that's too bad at this point. Haha

House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 29, Hufflepuff - 33, Ravenclaw - 57 & Slytherin - 50.

Getting ready for Halloween, our challenge this week is:

Challenge #16 - Fright

Happy drabbling/drawbling this week! Please remember to tag all of your entries with your ij name, as well as "fright."

♥ Your Mod,

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Sunday, October 9th, 2011

Challenge #15

Happy Sunday to you all! Hopefully the weather wherever you are is as lovely as it is here this weekend! It's been sunny & warm for a change.

House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 19, Hufflepuff - 33, Ravenclaw - 56 & Slytherin - 49.

Our new challenge is:

Challenge #15 - Taboo

Happy drabbling/drawbling everyone! Please remember to tag all of your entries with your ij name, as well as "taboo."

♥ Your Mod,

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Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Challenge #14

Happy Monday everybody! Sorry for the late post.

House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 19, Hufflepuff - 32, Ravenclaw - 55 & Slytherin - 49.

Our challenge this week is:

Challenge #14 - Possessive

Happy drabbling/drawbling this week! Please remember to tag all of your entries with your ij name, as well as "possessive."

♥ Your Mod,

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Sunday, September 25th, 2011

Challenge #13

Happy Sunday everyone! & also happy Autumn! Summer went by so quickly!

House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 19, Hufflepuff - 32, Ravenclaw - 54 & Slytherin - 49.

Because of the change of Season, our challenge this week is:

Challenge #13 - Change

Happy drabbling/drawbling this week! Please remember to tag all of your entries with your ij name, as well as "change."

♥ Your Mod,

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Sunday, September 18th, 2011

Challenge #12

Happy Sunday night! Today is my sister's bday, so we were celebrating pretty much all weekend! :) How were your weekends?

House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 19, Hufflepuff - 30, Ravenclaw - 52 & Slytherin - 49.

In honor of my sister, our challenge this week is:

Challenge #12 - Birthday!

Happy drabbling/drawbling everyone! Please remember to tag all of your entries with your ij name, as well as "birthday."

♥ Your Mod,

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Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Challenge #11

Happy Sunday everybody! Sorry for the lack of a prompt last week; my laptop & internet have been giving me non-stop issues lately. I think that is finished now though. *crosses fingers*

House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 19, Hufflepuff - 30, Ravenclaw - 51 & Slytherin - 49.

Since there hasn't been much activity here, hopefully this week's prompt will get your writing-wheels in...

Challenge #11 - Motion

Haha! I crack myself up!

Happy drabbling/drawbling to you all! Please remember to tag all of your entries with your ij name, as well as "motion."

♥ Your Mod,

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Sunday, August 28th, 2011

Challenge #10

Happy Sunday all! I hope all of my fellow East Coasters are safe! It's still a bit windy here, but nothing too bad. We mostly just got a lot of rain.

House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 19, Hufflepuff - 30, Ravenclaw - 50 & Slytherin - 49.

As Irene continues to make her way North, please remember:

Challenge #10 - Vigilance

...constant vigilance.

Happy drabbling/drawbling everyone! Please remember to tag all of your entries with your ij name, as well as "vigilance."

♥ Your Mod,

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Sunday, August 21st, 2011

Challenge #9

Happy Sunday everybody! Due to the fact that I was late posting last week's challenge, there is a slight extension for you guys. Along with our challenge this week, any other drabbles/drawbles for challenge #8 - sleepwalk that are posted through Tuesday, August 23rd will count for points!

House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 13, Hufflepuff - 30, Ravenclaw - 49 & Slytherin - 49.

This means that Slytherin is our second monthy winner! Congrats! There is plenty of time until the winner of the House Cup is declared, so all Houses are still in the running!

Our challenge this week is brought to you by the weather outside my house:

Challenge #9 - Thunder

Happy drabbling/drawbling this week! Please remember to tag all of your entries with your ij name, as well as "thunder."

♥ Your Mod,

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Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

Challenge #8

Happy (good lord) Tuesday everyone! Late Mod is late, sorry! It's been a bit crazy around my house this week. But I'm here now! There are drabbles for challenge #7 up on our livejournal & dreamwidth pages, so do go check them out! House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 13, Hufflepuff - 30, Ravenclaw - 48 & Slytherin - 49.

Is it just me, or have our Gryffindors fallen off the face of the Earth?

Challenge #8 - Sleepwalk

Happy drabbling/drawbling! Please remember to tag all of your entries with your ij name, as well as "sleepwalk."

♥ Your Mod,

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Sunday, August 7th, 2011

Challenge #7

A very happy Sunday to you all! How are you fairing after all of the lj craziness? There were only three entries for the last challenge, which are up on our dreamwidth & livejournal pages, so I hope this one gets some more attention! House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 13, Hufflepuff - 29, Ravenclaw - 46 & Slytherin - 40.

Hopefully this challenge gets those creative juices flowing!

Challenge #7 - Flying

Happy drabbling/drawbling! Please remember to tag all of your entries with your ij name, as well as "flying."

♥ Your Mod,

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Thursday, July 28th, 2011

Challenge #6

In case of further major livejournal malfunction, we are now on insanejournal & dreamwidth as well! Also, this challenge will run another week, ending Sunday, August 7th. House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 13, Hufflepuff - 28, Ravenclaw - 45 & Slytherin - 38.

And now on to our challenge!

Challenge #6 - Overwhelmed

Happy drabbling/drawbling everybody! Please remember to tag all of your entries with your ij name, as well as "overwhelmed."

♥ Your Mod,

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House icons!

I made some icons that you are all more than welcome to use if you'd like to. If you use an icon that proclaims your House, it's that much easier for me to see which one I'm giving points to! (Also, icons are fun!) Here they are:

House icons under cut! )

Please feel free to snag any/all of these & use them when you post your drabbles, but you do not have to. If anyone more talented than I would like to make others to share, that would be lovely as well! Please enjoy! :)

♥ Your Mod,

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Our affiliates!

We have our first affiliate! :) Welcome, [info]hp_nextgen100! Everyone be sure to go check them out! Also, once we start with the challenges, you can cross-post your drabbles there!

Since I have a need to be organized that cannot be stopped, I thought I'd use this opportunity to keep an ongoing list of all our affiliates.

List of affiliates under cut! )

If you have a comm & would like to affiliate with us, please leave a comment on this post.

♥ Your Mod,

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Comm banner!

Here is a banner you can use to promote the comm! Post it to your journals so that we get as many AS/S shippers on board as possible! I got help with the coding from [info]brinimc, so I promised her a drabble in return. :)

Artwork & banner by [info]leochi!

Copy and paste this to your journal:

Pimp away, my lovelies!

♥ Your Mod,

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Choose your House!

You have the power of the Sorting Hat! Use it wisely!

In the interest of being organized, and also to help new members to the comm pick a House, here is a list of all the members in each House. Here goes.

List of House members under cut! )

If you aren't on here, leave a comment on this post saying which House you want to play for, and you'll be added.

♥ Your Mod,

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