albuscorpius100's Journal
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Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

    Time Event
    A very sorry mod & December Challenge!
    Hello all! I am so very sorry for the complete lack of me all through November. I hope you didn't think I forgot about the comm, although it probably seemed like it. I had a crazy month, but I'm here now! Better late than never, right?

    Final House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 29, Hufflepuff - 35, Ravenclaw - 61 & Slytherin - 60.

    That makes Ravenclaw our first-ever House Cup Winners!!! Congratulations! You will be getting something (I'm thinking a pretty banner) in honor of this asap. For now please accept my gratitude for contributing to my little comm. It makes me smile everytime someone posts here.

    For the month of December, we at [info]albuscorpius100 are having a no-pressure, stress-free mini drabble/ficlet/drawble fest, à la [info]dracoharry100.

    Your challenge is to produce one drabble/ficlet or drawble for each prompt on the list below, and post one a day, all month long. (If you know you'll be unable to post, just let me know & I can post for you.) All those that post a drabble/ficlet/drawble each day, completing one for each prompt, will receive a v-gift!

    Alternately, you may choose to write one fic or draw one picture incorporating all 31 prompts. This will also earn you a v-gift.

    Or if you are feeling overly ambitious, do both! & please feel free to combine our prompts with those of other communities if you can.

    If all of that sounds like too much, you may continue to post once a week, or whenever you are able. Just take your pick of the prompts below to work with; we want everyone to enjoy!

    The word limit is suspended, so you don't have to keep to 100 words unless you really want to. The prompts need not be used in any particular order, & there's no need to state a House affiliation. Your artwork may be as simple or as detailed as you want it to be. Stick art is acceptable. Combinations of art and fic are also welcome.

    Above all, have fun & have a wonderful holiday season!

    December Challenge 2011 - Prompt list under cut! )

    Merry drabbling/drawbling to all! Please remember to tag all of your entries throughout the month with your ij name, as well as "December Challenge 2011."

    ♥ Your Merry Mod,


    Current Mood: guilty
    Current Music: Jingle Bell Rock, Bobby Helms

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