July 2010

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May 20th, 2010

[info]vocal_shrapnel in [info]ainsworthooc


Hey all! I'm Alison, a brand new member here. I'm a 20 year old college student (rising junior), majoring in East Asian Studies with a focus on Japan. I am not terribly interesting but you can reach me at fightsongmelody on AIM or at apocalyptic.friend@gmail.com (I like Eef Barzelay a lot, which explains my handles)

This here is Katherine Goldstein, a rising senior studying political science and journalism. She's very outspoken and opinionated, with a tendency to be bossy and sarcastic. She is also a bit of (read: a lot of) a feminist, so when she's not telling you about how she plans to ~change the world~ through journalism she may be threatening to castrate you if you're male or going off on some rant or other. So. She can come off as a bitch, but really, she's more talk than anything else and she's nicer than she seems, I promise. She does have a tendency to talk a lot and to pry, because she is honest to a fault; there is literally nothing you can't find out about her if you just ask, and she forgets sometimes that most people actually have some sense of privacy. Let's see, what else. She is really passionate, really intelligent, and really judgmental, but while she is kind of intense, she is not nearly as intimidating as she likes to think she is. Oh, and she doesn't come from the most prestigious of families, and she doesn't really care too much about wealth and lineage so feel free to give her trouble through that. Other things worth noting: she's in Omega Tau and she writes for the school paper.

So yeah. I am awful at summing up characters, but her profile is in her journal if you want to check it out. Anyway, I look forward to playing with you all &hearts

[info]bailmeout in [info]ainsworthooc

Hello! I'm Annie and I bring you all Bailey Wells. But before I get into her stuff I'll tell you all about myself first. I'm a 20 year old English major, currently suffering with a horrible roomie, only a month more!! and stupid bosses. But what's new right? Um, I've been RPing for about 5 years now, I was at GJ for a long time until it crashed [RIP GJ] and then I moved here to IJ. Now, on to the interesting half.

Bailey Wells is a sorority girl at DPN. She's 21 years old, a Junior undergrad and is currently striving to be a Psychology major and go on to be a counselor for rehab patients. She's almost always in a good mood, smiling and laughing and gets A's in almost all of her classes. She has quite a few tutors so if anyone would like to offer their character up for that role, but she lacks in the common sense area. A lot of people see her as your 'typical sorority girl' being all bitchy and stuff and she does give off that vibe because when she's not talking to you it's almost like you're not even there. But she's super nice once you talk to her and actually get into a conversation. Let's see...bad jokes make Bailey crack up, good jokes make her look confused.

I'm horrible at summarizing characters and I'm currently sick [which means I'm out of it] so if you need more info on her check it out here and let me know what you think!

I'm really excited to get started with you guys!
