13 August 2009 @ 07:40 pm
SPN/J2 Big Bang '09: A Certain Smile - art post  
Title: A Certain Smile
Author: [info]elise_509
Genre: RPS AU
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Minor Pairings: Jared/Milo, Jared/Genevieve, Jensen/Danneel
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Spoilers: None.
Length: 57K<

Summary: It's 1958. Jared is the high school superstar: all-around athlete, straight-A student, and one half of the most popular couple in town. Jensen is the teen rebel, all motorcycles, hot rods, and rock ‘n’ roll. When Jared’s life veers closer to the edge, he finds Jensen waiting for him there. The collision is inevitable.

Fic Masterpost

On Monday I got contacted by wendy over at spn_j2_bigbang @LJ, who asked me if I was interested in doing another pinch hit for a fic that had already been posted, but who's artist had to back down. I had the day off the next day, so I of course said 'Yes'!

So this is my THIRD Big Bang thingy! Not too bad for somebody that's been out of the loop for a while, huh? :P

Here goes.

Not as much as I wanted to make - and not nearly as much as the story DESERVES! )
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Mood: accomplished