30 August 2008 @ 02:17 am
Wallpaper battle - Round 1: Supernatural  

So. This is how it's going to work. Each week one of us will provide two caps from one of the tv-shows we both adore. The other will provide something "extra" (a texture, another cap, some text) that has to be used as well. And then we go to our respective corners and play with Photoshop to our widdle hearts content.

This week was Supernatural!

[info]ohfreckle provided the caps: Cap One and Cap Two (she's a Dean-girl... :P)
I provided a modified line and a quote taken from The Divine Comedy - Dante's Inferno: "this is the place where you will have to arm yourself with fortitude /
I entered on the steep and savage path"

And this is what we came up with:


1024x768 |1280x800 |1280x1024 |1440x900

Check out the beauty sanami made!! )

- Don't post and claim as your own.
- My additional resources are in the sidebar.
- Comments are loved!
- Check out ownthesunshine and drop [info]ohfreckle some love as well.

Next week: Round 2!
Mood: accomplished