23 May 2008 @ 08:22 pm
QaF mood theme!  
Two days ago, my dear friend [info]furriboots posted a Brian mood theme at whatsup_qaf@LJ that is utterly beautiful. I've been wanting a general non animated qaf theme for quite some time, and I've even started working on one myself. When Furri posted hers I finally got my ass into gear and started working for real!

And now it's DONE!

Thank you Furri for the inspiration, and Sam for your never ending support and grace!





You can view my general qaf mood theme HERE

If you want to use it yourself you can upload the rar file from HERE (megaupload). Or HERE (sendspace).

Usual things apply: comments are loved, don't hotlink - upload to your own server or host and credit is most appreciated.

Now I'm just gonna have to find the strength to upload it to [info]ai_graphics as well.... *headdesk*
Mood: accomplished