Saturday, September 11th, 2010

Who: Sirius Black, Liam Moon, and Frank Moon
Where: Starting at Liam's flat in Camden; then they're going to move the party to Rookwood's manor.
What: Rescue mission
Why: Because Frank needs a tiny bit of assistance getting away from Rookwood
Rating: Low, I think.
Warnings: Language, if anything.

Frank, my dear, we give a damn. )
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Sunday, September 5th, 2010

Package to Liam Moon and Sirius Black )
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Sunday, August 15th, 2010

Who: Shaela and Frank Moon
Where: third floor corridor
When: Saturday afternoon (backdated)
What: Shaela needs to have a chat with Frank
Rating: Probably low
Status: Incomplete

You know this doesn't mean I trust you, right? )
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Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

Who: Frank and Michelle Moon
What: Private visitation in Shelly's room.
When: Backdated to August 9th
where: Shelly's room, Slytherin Academy
Why: Because Rookwood has proclaimed they can... shelly is suspiscious
Status: Closed, incomplete.

Augustus Rookwood was not a man who gave something for nothing. )
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Saturday, August 7th, 2010

Who: Shaela and Frank M
What: Frank interrogates Shaela for Augustus
When: Friday Night
Where: Morag's room
Warnings: um...fairly low?

Just see how virtue repays you...You turn and someone betrays you...Betray him first...And the game's reversed! )
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Monday, August 2nd, 2010

Who: Frank and Shaela
What: Random encounter
Where: An abandoned hallway, late at night
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

The beginning of something? )
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