Sunday, June 27th, 2010

Who: Lucius and Cormac
what: Punishment
Where: empty classroom
When: Backdated to post-Lucius entry.
Warnings: Don't know yet.

While he was nervous. )
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Monday, June 21st, 2010

Who: Jessica and Cormac
Where: Cormac's room
When: Backdated to yesterday
Why: Cor told her to move in
What: Cormac gets his reward
Warnings: TBD

You're Mine )
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Friday, June 18th, 2010

Who: Draco and Cormac.
What: a duel. Over Morag. Oh, snap.
When: Friday afternoonish.
Where: corridor near the infirmary.
Warnings: violence.

oh no you di'int )
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Friday, June 11th, 2010

Who: Romilda and Cormac
What: cheering up Mr. Grumpypants.
When: Wednesday after the dare with Zach [backdated].
Where: random room they're in.
Why: these two are likely to be hilarious.
Warnings: TBA

this ain't a song for the brokenhearted )
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Saturday, June 5th, 2010

Who: Any student who wants to come to Draco's birthday party!
What: Surprise birthday party!
Where: North Tower
When: Saturday night.
Why: It's Draco's birthday!
Warnings: Who knows

Happy birthday to you! )
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Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

Who: Jess and Cormac
Where: Near the kitchens
When: Wednesday evening
What: The possible beginning of a saga
Warnings: Possibly

hot sausage and mustard )
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Thursday, May 27th, 2010

Who: Cormac and Sir Nick
What: Cormac is ghost-hunting.
When: Thursday evening.
Where: A hallway
Warnings: TBA but doubtful.

Cormac wanted to learn... )
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