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Age of Darkness RPG

When confronted by our worst nightmares, the choices are few. Fight, or flight.
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[31 Oct 2013|02:30pm]
Who: Bill & Fleur (wuuuuut?)
Where: Their room at Grimmauld Place / the evac centre
When: A couple weeks after the evacuation

Bill was a light sleeper - so were most who had ever attended the Academy in a servant capacity. Truly deep sleep had once been dangerous. But these days it was useful in other ways.

He woke to a low snuffling sound and got up, slowly and carefully. He and Fleur had one of the smaller rooms, while most of the evacuees bunked down together, some of the larger suites holding ten or fifteen at a time. But theirs was big enough for a little side room, probably an old powder room, where Fabien now slept in an ancient crib that had probably held hundreds of little infant Blacks.

"Shhh..." he soothed, picking up his son and rocking him gently back to sleep, glancing as he did so towards the gap in the curtains where the faintest beam of light was coming through. It was almost morning.

He lay Fabien back in the crib and stretched before crawling back into bed. It was too comfortable to get up properly yet. Fleur stirred as he curled one broad arm around her. "S'all right," he mumbled, lightly kissing her cheek. "Go back to sleep."
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