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Age of Darkness RPG

When confronted by our worst nightmares, the choices are few. Fight, or flight.
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[18 Apr 2011|09:29pm]
Who: Neville & Ginny
Where: RoR
When: Tonight, a few days after the basilisk thread
What: Possibly some arguing, hopefully some making up

Can you pay my automo-bills, if you did then maybe we could chill )
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[18 Apr 2011|10:40pm]
Who: Cam and Cadha
When: Monday evening
Where: Cam's room
What/Why: Studying potions because Cam sucks at it. If they happen to explore their new-found relationship, welllllll... ya know. It happens.
Rating/Warning: PG-13ish? Probably some language and some innocent and not-so-innocent touching.

Cam stared at his potions text and sighed. How difficult could this shite be? With a smile, he turned the potions book upside down. It almost made more sense to do it that way. He picked up his quill and dipped it into sepia ink. "What does it matter if I know how to brew a potion for keeping flowers from wilting? There are spells for that."

He turned the book back around. "Bloody stupid waste of my time, this."
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rp: guilty consciences [18 Apr 2011|11:56pm]
Who: Remus and Vera
When: Monday evening
Where: Home
What/Why: Vera's feeling guilty and Remus feels guilty that she feels guilty. Something has to break.
Rating/Warning: PG?

It's time to bring this ship into the shore )
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