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Friday, December 21st, 2007

    Time Event
    Holiday Art Dump - 10 Pictures Total
    Anyone up for another holiday art dump filled with lots of randomish Pokémon sprite edits and more Morris and Derek?

    Title: Happy Holidays
    Series: EBA
    Characters: Derek, Morris
    Notes: Someone has a lot of Christmas spirit

    Happy Holidays )

    Title: BA-3
    Series: EBA
    Characters: Morris
    Notes: Smile for the camera

    Agent BA-3 'Morris' )

    Title: BA-4
    Series: EBA
    Characters: Derek
    Notes: same as above

    Agent BA- 4 'Derek' )
    Title: Elite Beat Poké Trainers [pics. x3]
    Series: EBA, Pokémon, AA
    Characters: Kahn, Mr. X, Starr, Foxx, Missy, Chieftain, J, Morris, Derek, Spin, and Edgeworth?!
    Notes: 3, 2, 1. Poké Ball GO!

    Elite Beat Poke Trainers )

    Title: Elite Beat Pokémon [pics. x4]
    Series: EBA, Pokémon
    Characters: Wigglytuff!J, Wigglytuff, Spinda!Spin, Spinda
    Notes: I finished these two too.

    Elite Beat Pokemon )

    Crossposted to LJ agentsarego

    Current Mood: busy
    Current Music: n/a

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