Age of Miracles

February 24th, 2008

Age of Miracles


February 24th, 2008

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Who: Sarena Alexander and David de Souza [Postman]
When: Mid-morning Feb 24
Where: Counselor's Office
What: Ren is going to the counselor for the first time in almost two years because she needs an objective opinion.

She hadn't decided yet whether or not this was a good idea. )

Log: Mystique and Rogue

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Who: Mystique and Rogue
When: February 21, 2008
Where: the Lehnsherr house
What: Rogue goes for a little bit of training with Mystique and they end up talking about Scott’s upcoming vigilante mission… and the Brotherhood mission that’s going to coincide with that. There’s a little bit of a lack of a meeting of the minds and, somehow, Rogue ends up being the one who’s going to have to babysit Scott.

Broken bones don't magically keep your skin from sucking the life out of people. )
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