Age of Miracles

January 29th, 2008

Age of Miracles


January 29th, 2008

Slow Down

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Who: Alex Summers and Open
What: Being insanely bored, and a little down, but trying not to show it
When: Tuesday Morning
Where: X-Factor Investigations

Alex was very disappointed in himself. He had taken a guess at how the people were returning however he appeared to be entirely wrong. The office hadn't had any new cases in weeks and all the old ones had since dried up or, as in Alex's case, resolved themselves without any help from X-Factor. With the mass of people leaving things were beginning to seem like the downhill slide was coming to an end. Only two employees left, not including himself, and that just wasn't quite where things needed to be.

The shuffling sound of cards turned into the light scratch of a card being pulled from the desk and tossed into a hat. Alex had put out all the ads he could welcoming people to apply at X-Factor. Now his only choice was to wait. Across his computer screen flashed different files on different mutants and even some humans that had ties to the mutant community. If he was going to get back into the game he would have to be extremely knowledgeable about anything that might need his attention. He didn't like the idea of having to go out and find cases but it seems to have come to that.

What a horrible time to get the office. Right as it might be going under. How did I make sure this didn't happen? Alex took comfort in the old trick he learned from Houdini, of all people. Thinking of things as if you've already succeeded helped to remove doubt from the mind. He wasn't willing to accept defeat here. It was the first time he was successful in any way without being part of the government. He wanted to keep things that way and keep his team in work. Perhaps, now that his leg had mostly healed, they could get into the FoH fray. Of course, they already knew who everyone in his office was so undercover work was out. At least, without an image inducer it was.
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