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September 14th, 2015 @ 4:08am

Well, my extremely loud charries will not let me be on hiatus any longer, so I am back. I can't promise that I'll be as quick as I normally am with tags, still a little bummed out, but I do have some good lines going and I do not want to be away from them too long.

I'll work on tagging those who need it, they're all in my inbox.


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September 7th, 2015 @ 11:34pm

Going on a hiatus, not sure for how long at the moment, we'll say a week, and then reevaluate. This will be cross posted, no I don't want to talk about it, that will not make me feel any better.

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July 9th, 2015 @ 4:37pm

Tis Julia, and I have a new canon character, Joe Hart. Joe graduated from McKinley, and went to school in California, for a couple of years, before he decided to move to New York, and try to make it as a singer. He attended UCLA for a few semesters, and now is working as a waiter and a singer. I am down for any plostes with him! XD. So hit that friends button!


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June 7th, 2015 @ 12:46am

So, does anyone wants to thread Mike's surprise party? I just thought that I would check before I put something up. It's fine if nobody does, we can handwave. :)
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May 15th, 2015 @ 9:25am

Okay. So, I've had this idea rolling around in my head for awhile for a game, a panfan, and I am going to work on getting that up and running today. Mostly because I've been planning it for awhile and I don't need to plan too much out.

The premise is, it's a Stephen King verse game, there is a dome put over Castle Rock, a town of his own creation, that is featured in The Dark Half, Needful Things, Cujo, and the short story The Body, which Stand by Me was based on, for just a few examples. However, you do not need to know anything about Castle Rock or SK to join. Other than it is a small town, much like Chester's Mill in Under the Dome. People will magically show up under the dome.

It is going to have an open membership, and no taken characters. Also, no fandoms will be off limits, mostly because there are characters I'd like to play sometimes and can't. Also, because of some of the fandoms and themes that will be allowed, I would greatly appreciate it if no one under the age of 18 joined.

I would like a comod, but I plan to go ahead with it myself if no one offers to help. This will be crossposted, so if you see it more than once, I am sorry. XD.

Julia, that is the mod journal
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April 2nd, 2015 @ 10:19pm

Okay. Since I am a co mod of this game, I needs to let y'all know that I am having net issues, an arm injury is acting up, and Trillian isn't really working. So the only way to get a hold of me is through email at I will be tagging slowly till my arm feels better. In the meantime, I am still able to help with whatever. Love y'all.

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January 7th, 2015 @ 1:29pm

I am soooooo sorry for vanishing for awhile there! Due to really crappy weather my internet kept knocking me off which led me to only use my phone. I'll be back tonight after work though. And I'll have the thread with Claire waking up tonight too and open to Ryder, Erik and Brody!

Peace out everyone!

- Jaimie
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January 2nd, 2015 @ 12:23pm

Okay. So hey. I hope everyone had a good holiday. This isn't a modly note at all, just something I'd like everyone in the game to know and know that it came from me. Some of you may know already. Which is fine. It was not a secret. My grandmother, my mom's mom, passed away this past May. It has not been easy since then. Least of all for my mother. Anyway, the point being is I am not going to delve too much into Christmas with any of my charries because it was the worst Christmas of my life. I do not want to talk about it though, and I do not wish to have anyone express condolences. It's hard for me to hear them. I appreciate the sentiment in which they were given. I really do. Anyway, I am glad that the holidays are over. It will still be hard but much less so considerably.

WIow to I write so much better than I speak.
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December 25th, 2014 @ 1:41pm

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE :) hope you all got what you wanted and are having a good day :)

- Jaimie
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Sorry :( [
December 12th, 2014 @ 11:13am

I wanted to apologize for not being active for a little while here. Work has me in a new position and hours and with that, I've been taking the time I get off from work to catch up on sleep and my other work duties. Than last night I fell ill and literally felt like death. Today, I went to the doctor and no strep throat but its close enough to it, really really red and nasty back there.

SO I'm on bedrest and antibiotics. There's only so much Hulu and Netflix I can watch so if you want to plot or do anything with my characters let me know :)

I'll reply to things when I get a nap in today.

- Jaimie (your awesome mod)
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