The Aftermath: A Post-DH Role-Play

November 15th, 2008

November 15th, 2008

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Date: 15 November 1999
Characters: Ginny and Charlie
Location: in the garden at the Burrow
Warnings: None yet.
Summary: Charlie and Tonic manage to sneak away and have a bit of a chat.
Open/Closed: Closed betches.
Status : Complete

it's the little things you do/ it's the little things you say/ it's the love that you give along the way )

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Characters: Draco Malfoy and Charlie Weasley
Location: The Burrow
Time: Saturday afternoon, just after the Ginny and Charlie thread below
Summary: Draco decides to apologize formally to Charlie and probably confides in him a bit, as well, sort of like that older brother he never really had
Warnings: Maybe language. It is Draco, after all.
Status: Incomplete/Threaded.

Can I lean on you, too? )
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