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After Dawn OOC

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[31 May 2019|01:45pm]
Guys!! This is Michael!!

So yeah, Michael was in Ravenclaw, same year as Mandy/Terry/Kermit etc. The story of his childhood is rather long, complicated and sad so I'll try to summerize well.

Basically his father is a Pureblood from a family that were Death Eater sympathizers without being Death Eater themselves. His mother was Muggleborn. Long story short, Eric corner left his girlfriend to go home and she never told him about Michael, until the war had spread and she needed to keep Baby Michael safe.

His mother's family was killed and Michael (half-blood out of wedlock) was raised by his grandparents. He was abused in several ways and as a result he's rather messed up throughout his teenager years. He made a bunch of friends, loved Hogwarts, but hated going home.

He joined the DA in 5th year and ended up picking a side that did not line up with his family's. They let him know that at 17 he was on his own.

7th Year got really bad for him. The Carrows were told by the Corners that if Michael misbehaved, they could take whatever measures they saw fit: they didn't care.

Remember that Michael freed a First Year from the dungeon? Well, he absolutely did that and got punished for it. First they locked him up until lunch next day and proceeded to beat him up magically in front of everyone in the Great Hall. It took him months to recover and he hid in the Room of Requirement.

Battle: He was there, not feeling 100% but he was there. Death Eaters were told that if Michael caused them trouble, to get rid of him. Well, they tried when Michael faced a few of them outside of Ravenclaw Tower while Harry went in search of the diadem. Took him weeks to recover and he's still scarred for life.

Since then he went back for his 7th year, a proper one. Got a job at a cosmetic company, then accepted a job at St.Mungo's.

Questions? Friends? Plots?

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