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[04.22.21, 11a]

Is anyone actually out there any more or is this dead in the water?
4 X

[04.21.21, 1a]

Hello everyone! I'm about two hours overdue for bedtime so I'll be brief-ish. This is Merit, air witch extraordinaire and current owner/proprieter of the Cauldron Brewpub, rebranded in the last few years from the old Cauldron bar which was a real grimy dive sort of place. Regulars will still find all the old boozy comforts they know and love, but it's been updated with a trendy-spooky vibe and a tasty menu of food and cocktails.

She has a younger sister (who I would love to see in game!) who is about 5 years younger; those who are old enough to remember about 16 years back, her parents went missing after a date night - police found the car but not the people, and after a search they were assumed missing beyond the barrier.

Personality-wise, she ran wild as a kid, always getting herself and anyone she could convince to tag along into adventures (read: trouble); she's friendly and social, extremely stubborn, and hard to get to know past the surface level. She works a TON and it can be hard to drag her out of the pub, and while she's had to be a responsible adult for a hot minute, she's still a little wild - she's competitive and will take just about any dare.

I'd really love to see someone pick up her sister over whom she is very protective. Pub staff - another cook/chef or two, bartenders, servers. A best friend or two for wine & witch nights, a casual relation or two because she is definitely not in a relationship space right now and hasn't been for a while. Pub regulars that she has to toss out half the time for getting rowdy (but not so rowdy she'd kick 'em out for good.) People she clashes with, anything and everything we can brew up together.
5 X

[04.19.21, 9p]

Well hello there, future [info]aetherwood'ers..aetherwood-ians? Idk, BUT HAI.

I bringith to you, Thatcher Deveraux, a thirty-seven year old air elemental witch and coven representative on the council. Thatch is also the towns sheriff, a job he took on a few years back after his father retired. The Deveraux's as a whole tend to find themselves in roles within the town that are of a protector/helpful sort. His mother and sister both work for the towns hospital and his dad is retired PD. He also has a younger brother, but he skipped town awhile back, something Thatcher doesn't really talk about much.

Personality wise he is genuinely good guy and while he tends to be laid back for the most part, he is definitely an extrovert. He tries to make sure he knows what's going on with the town, but given how small they are and the fact they're sealed off from the rest of the world, he has been a bit lax as of late. It's easy to get comfortable and let your guard down when nothing super crazy ever happens. When the shield fails, shits going to get interesting!

He has a familiar in [info]otterbekidding so that is covered..BUT I'd love a BFF or two, someone he clashes with, people who work at the police station with him, more family in the shape of his baby sister (whose twin is the one who decided to ditch down), cousins etc, an ex for something that ended badly, most likely due to the fact he can't seem to commit. Also, the other air coven rep!

Give me all the things!
1 X

[04.19.21, 11a]

Edited: I've decided to make her a bear familiar, and her journal will be [info]bearlytogether. So looking for a witch to be paired with, which I have several ideas for. Maybe some family would be wonderful. Exes of all shapes and sizes. Bring me everything.

My first idea basically has her paired up with someone who wasn't her first choice and likely she wasn't their first choice either. For whatever reason, both her and the witch have always thought they would be paired with someone else. But time and time again as they approached the right age, everyone was pairing off with someone else instead. Thus leaving the two to pair up without maybe really wanting to. How they act together now is kind of up in the air.

Another idea is someone she dated when she was younger, and they thought it would be great so they paired up. But eventually broke up and are now stuck together. I'm open for any and all the other ideas.
5 X

[04.19.21, 6a]

Hey Aetherwood. This is Carson O'Leary. Just 'Cara' please. She's 30, a lynx familiar and Aetherwood native, working as police dispatch and your friendly local 911 voice. She's sneaky AF and despite being quite cute (hair toss) goes unnoticed a lot. It's the curse of being a cat with stealth mitten feet. She may or may not have a side hustle feeding extra juicy gossip to a local columnist. Shhh, you didn't read it here. Just don't do anything incriminating or buzz-worthy around her if you value your privacy. You wouldn't believe what you can learn just by hanging in a tree over Main Street for a few hours.

Cara's an introverted wallflower in most situations, but secretly a goofy hot mess spastic hippie. All that quiet has given her a lot of time to study magic, maximize her gifts to the extent she's able at her age, and observe the other witches and familiars in town as a realtime Masters course in what to do, and what not to do. She thinks she makes a great magical partner, if she can pat herself on the back.

She needs her witch partner of any element, a frustratingly extroverted sibling for clashes, friends and one ironclad confidante, an ex from a relationship that lasted a few fiery years and ended one or two years back for recent ouchs, the driving instructor/HS Teacher/recently promoted council member who she traumatized Cher Horowitz style once upon a time for 'you've grown up kid' giggles. Fellow Aetherwood student grads for a 'the Breakfast Club grew up and we still have complaints' vibe. Anything and everything!
2 X

[04.18.21, 9p]
Hey there. I'm working on Aiden here as a Dragon Familiar. I'm open to anything at this point as he is still a very rough sketch.

His Witchy Half. Open to any element.
Friends/Adopted Family.
Annoyances he has to put up with because he's too nice.
Any kind of fun history. Etc.

He's a long time resident and puts it upon himself to be a sort of guardian to all. He also specializes in collecting and procuring rare materials, ingredients, antiquities and books for the locals. Witches need their supplies after all, and he has a knack for getting/finding them.
3 X

[04.17.21, 6p]

Hello! This is Cyrus Brockman, 38. I'm still working out a few of the kinks, so bear with me, but here's the overall gist:

- Cyrus is a fire witch, but doesn't really love all the Coven stuff. His parents are highly respected in the community and he's been under a fair bit of pressure to step up as a representative, but he's not really into the politics and rivalry of it all.
- Really, he tries to avoid anything that could potentially trigger his temper. While appearing to most as a very mellow, gentle, almost stoic individual, his emotions are capable of flaring as quickly and violently as his element. With fire especially, the results can be, and have been, catastrophic.
- Which brings us to our next point: Cyrus has a prosthetic right arm that's entirely powered by the thermal energy he casts from himself. He lost the real arm around the time he was gifted his magic, unwillingly making himself a bit of a cautionary tale in the fire specialist community. The metal itself is inscribed with spell work that keeps its exterior from getting too hot unless deliberately ignited and makes it malleable to his will. For the most part it functions as a normal arm, but it can be morphed and used as a powerful weapon or tool in a pinch.
- Partially because he's been forced to learn how to care for his arm and partially because he likes things that can keep his hands and mind busy, he's handy as hell with most mechanical things and metal work.

For lines, I'd love:
- his familiar! No preference on the type of creature; does not need to be fire aligned.
- his younger sister or brother. The relationships here are entirely open! Could be super close, could be contentious. I'm always down to brainstorm!
- someone who was impacted by the accident that took his arm when he was a kid. Maybe they were stuck in the fire with him, maybe they saved him when he ignited, maybe they were just there to see the aftermath, etc. This could have negative or positive implications on their relationship; Cyrus has grown a lot since then, but as a kid he was a bit of an entitled jerkface.
- a confidante and best friend, someone who can bring him out of his shell a little bit and cheer him up when he gets into one of his brooding fits.
- an older relative or family friend who's been like a mentor to him and has taught him how to control himself. Preferably another fire specialist.
- the doctor, healer, or enchanter who's been helping him with the upkeep and maintenance on his arm.
5 X

[04.17.21, 5p]

Hi there!

This is Araya King, but her friends call her Ray. She's 29 and hails from a long line of familiars and can morph into... a salamander. Which might not seem super impressive but it has its uses, ok!?

She might come across as being laid back almost to the point of absolute sloth (you can catch her napping or otherwise slouched with frequent regularity) but Ray is actually a highly skilled fighter and, like the rest of her family, has a competitive streak that runs a mile wide. She focuses her magic on enhancing her physical prowess and finding creative ways to accelerate her fighting style.

Speaking of family, she was assigned as her cousin Nyah's familiar and the pair are pretty frequently at odds. If you ever see the poised fire witch bickering with her purse it's a safe bet that there's a tiger salamander tucked in there that is definitely sticking her tongue out.

As far as lines, I'd love a best friend for her that sees through her projected ambivalence, a sibling (she has an older sister) that is always nagging her about taking things more seriously, an ex from a breakup that went poorly (and that's putting it lightly), one of her nieces or nephews, really anything!
2 X

[04.17.21, 3p]

Hi Aetherwood! I'm Dani. This is Cullen Jones, a water specialist and coven rep. He's 38, a town native, the only child of an earth witch and one of the senior council members, an air witch. He's an extreme extrovert, the golden retriever sort who'll treat everyone as a friend until they give him a reason not to. He was a magical version of Calvin without Hobbes when his powers kicked in. Why walk when you can surf down the street on a mini-surfboard on a large wave you can create and maintain? In adulthood he's mostly the same person, tempered by age, experience in the real world and the subsequent desire to keep Aetherwood as a safe place for witchkind. As far as he could see, the rest of the world isn't anywhere near as hospitable.

Concerning familiars. I've got a hankering for a badly matched familiar who can't stand water, but on a personal level they get along like two peas in a pod. If anyone's interested, hit me up.

For lines, I'd love a childhood friend he's known through the good times and bad, with all the inside jokes, colored history and the effortless "I get you" vibes. I'm hopeless for a good rivalry and guessing that should be pretty easy with the elemental clashing. Enemies-to-anything gets me every time. I'll add more as I think of it but he's in the early stages for now. Here for collaborating or linking up with anyone interested.
5 X

[04.17.21, 1p]

This is Nyah (Nye•Ah) Toussaint. She's the youngest of a prestigious and ruthless magical family (think the Malfoys for reference) who count a staggeringly high percentage of powerful fire wielders amongst their number. There are even rumors about how progeny who are non-flammably inclined disappear in dubious circumstances. The Toussaints claim to be descended from Vodun greats and prestigious conjuremen and women, but there's little evidence. Surprise. They're full of (very) hot air. Her descriptors sometimes rhyme with 'witch', but she's quite talented, inventive, and not nearly so likely to try singe you as you might initially believe. She's also under an immense amount of pressure. Though too young to hold a seat as a representative she has aspirations to achieve this as soon as she's eligible (next year!) as her older to meet familial expectations. He has since left town. Nyah has a terrible habit of looking down on other elements, speaking when she shouldn't, running as hot as her element, holding her nose too high, and overusing her abilities when more mundane modalities would work just as well.

I'd love rivals for her, an opposing elemental to put her in her place, trade punches or have an on-going tiff, a few friends, a childhood pal who sees through her obligatory family nonsense —to her unending chagrin— and perhaps a fire wielder or two who really don't want to see her climb rank. Cousins or relatives entirely welcome. Basically everything. -grabby hands-
8 X

[04.16.21, 5p]

Hey fellow prospective peeples. I have the first of two concepts to hawk at you.

This is Malcolm Brooker, or Mal. He's a familiar. To look at him, most might assume he's something big and scary. Lions and tiger and bears, oh my. But no. No. He's an otter. A Brazilian Giant Otter.

Whoever is lucky (?) enough to get saddled with him as a partner (let’s chat! I don’t bite) should expect to have to haul a chatty water-noodle-creature out of a pool, jacuzzi, kitchen sink or bathtub for summoning, casting or potions work at the end of a stressful day from time to time (we all have our coping mechanisms, k?) but mostly, he's an exceptionally hard worker with a solid head on his shoulders, who dutifully prioritizes the protection of his witch and/or ancestral family. It's even fair to say he's somewhat militant about his dedication to his work. With a sparkly, shameless sense of humor and looking like your standard meathead, it's easy to write him off. That'd be a mistake. He —and his family before him— pride themselves in working with, and inspiring their witches to the most creative, effective use of their abilities, working with their strengths and weaknesses.

Come at me! So looking forward to writing.
12 X

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