Add Me for Mommies' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Add Me for Mommies

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[11 Mar 2008|03:23pm]
Hey, so I'm Justine, I'm 20 years old, from Connecticut. I'm about 4 weeks pregnant, and I just moved into a condo with my boyfriend. I work a full time direct care state job with the mentally handicapped and I'm going back to school [hopefully next spring] for my RN. I'm carefree, I love to laugh. I play my music loud and dance when there's none playing. I have an incredibly eclectic taste in music and a completely open mind. I live in shades of grey, there's no black and white. I'll update, but not constantly, and I'll comment when I find something that interests me. I love partying, drinking games, and getting stoned, but I've given up all of that recently. I will, however, mention all of the above, so if you are offended by it, don't add me. I'm honest and unpretentious and when I write, I will be totally blunt, no sugar coating, no tickle-me-pink colored lenses. I'm really just looking for some people to connect with and get to know and talk to. I'm also a GJ refugee, formerly chupafl0r, existential___, and cute_w1th0ut_e.
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