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Thursday, January 8th, 2009

    Time Event
    NAME: Chris or Christine (whichever you prefer)
    AGE: 37
    STATUS: in a 5 yr committed relationship
    LOCATION: SE Wisconsin (in between Chicago and Milwaukee)
    CHILDREN: 3 kids Jessica is 14, Lennon is 7 and Bella will be 2 this February
    HOBBIES/INTERESTS: I LOVE to bake and cook!  It is the best way to relive stress and tension. I can't think of a nicer way to make yourself feel better than by giving someone homemade baked goods that they'll enjoy eating as much as you enjoyed making it. 
    LOOKING FOR: I am looking for friends of any nature, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political views. The only rule I have is to be respectful of other peoples beliefs and opinions. You do not agree with them but you don't have to force your opinion down their throats either. This way we all get along.
    ANYTHING ELSE: I am a stay at home mom but not by choice. When I was 5 months pregnant with Bella, I was diagnosed with osteomyelitis and MRSA. Once MRSA is in your bones its next to impossible to get rid of completely. It's a way of life for me now but for every negative there is a positive. I now get to spend wonderful time with my kids that I would be missing out on if I were still working.  When I did work, I was the assistant kitchen manager at one of the high schools here in town. 

    I hope to meet sincere people here and form wonderful friendships.  

    Thanks for the read!

    Current Mood: excited

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