Club Elite - An Assortment of Awesome Souls - June 3rd, 2010
We Are Cooler Than The Refrigerator

User: [info]add_meh (posted by [info]labellemorte)
Date: 2010-06-03 05:19
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Name: Erica
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Favorite Music: The Killers, Jonny Lang, Folded Light, Randy Montana, Lady Gaga
Favorite Book(s): I read a lot so I probably have a huge list. I'll keep this short though and say I like stuff by Ann Rule, Janet Evanovich, Stuart Woods, Lisa Jackson, and a lot of other mystery and suspense writers.
One odd thing about you: Most people think it's off that I have a collection of skulls. Ceramic, plastic, one that sings.
Coolest thing to ever happen to you: I'd have to say that the coolest thing to happen to me was having my ex fiance's best friend fly across the country to tell me he loves me. He did this is January and we got married in March.
Anything you want to add? I'm a married mom of two but I am not the type to constantly post about my husband and kids. I love them, but they are part of my offline life. I am a bit paranoid I guess. I have to make sure that all the doors and windows are locked at night. I always check under my car and check the backseat before I get in my car. I am pro gun. My husband carries one for his job and I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. I am a Criminal Minds junkie. I love it and will even watch the weekend marathons of repeat episodes. I've got a bit of an obsession with Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. I read the Twilight books and I hated them. The rabid Twilight fan girls drive me nuts. I hate Justin Bieber. I hate the cast of High School Musical and other crap like that. I am however a fan of Glee.

Please comment here or on my Friend's Only entry or I will not add you. It's not really difficult to make a comment.

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