Club Elite - An Assortment of Awesome Souls - September 2nd, 2009
We Are Cooler Than The Refrigerator

dani_meows posting in Club Elite -- An Assortment of Awesome Souls.
User: [info]add_meh (posted by [info]dani_meows)
Date: 2009-09-02 22:06
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Mood:awake awake

Name: Dani Rose
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Favorite Music: Anything but rap, don't really have a set favorite at the moment.
Favorite Book(s): Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Vampire Chronicles, Terry Brooks:Shannara series and Magic Kingdom for Sale series, Tamora Pierce: Tortall series, and many more.
One odd thing about you: I write slash, het, and femmeslash fanfiction.
Coolest thing to ever happen to you: Getting married four years ago.
Anything you want to add? My journal is mostly public, I write a lot of fanfiction but it's also daily babble and such. I'll mostly be writing Doctor Who and Harry Potter for now but I've also written for Kingdom Hearts, Yugioh, Sailor Moon and other fandoms in the past. I'm very shy but can also be quite chatty...

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