January 7th, 2009

[info]braveambition in [info]accio_aparecium

Who: Everyone
What: Shopping!
Where: Diagon Alley (first Quality Quidditch Supplies to meet up then who knows)
When: Backdated to Tuesday, August 31, 1976; 10am
Why: School's starting on the 1st and they need stuff.

Anna had just finished up helping out at her father's store, Quality Quidditch Supplies, when she looked at the time. 9:55 am, the clock read. In her mind, it was perfect timing - no waiting around for hours for her friends to show up.

She gave her dad the money for things that she needed from his shop - no use buying it and carrying around a bag while everybody else was empty handed, and waited. Five whole minutes didn't seem to go by that quickly, but it did, and Anna stood outside waiting for everybody to show up.