June 2011


ACADEMY X: because saving the world is easy...teenage hormones? not so much.

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May 24th, 2010

[info]nrrrd_grrrl in [info]academy_x_ooc

Hey all, Anne here (Tandy and Betsy) with another kid to introduce! I picked up Laurie Collins, aka Wallflower! And apparently I like blondes with blue eyes if you count Betsy's original hair color... but that's beside the point! Laurie will be joining the school within a month of discovering her pheromone manipulation, so don't expect to see this girl out and about much at first- though she'll use the journals quite a bit since that doesn't require being face-to-face with people. She's very VERY shy, and definitely has nerdy/geeky tendencies, though as a fourteen year old she still has lots of room to grow. She has no control over her powers at the moment, so unless your character is immune to her pheromones you might end up with pheromone induced emotions and a distraught teenager. >.>

So enough chatter about that! For her full profile check out the link and keep an eye out for her entrance sometime in June! I'll be looking forward to RPing as her and am definitely open to suggestions- looking specifically at Josh, Kevin, Sofia, and Cessily for this, though Laurie is a sweetheart and would love to interact with anyone! ^^

[info]faechild in [info]academy_x_ooc

I'm back?

Hey everyone.  Sorry for my absence.  Job hunting was successful so I will no longer be spending every waking out applying at places. And I'm more or less settled in back home. Working is less stressful than looking for work, so I'll actually be posting now. Let me know if you have any thread ideas or want to do any plotting. 
