June 2011


ACADEMY X: because saving the world is easy...teenage hormones? not so much.

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May 20th, 2010

[info]needsdoing in [info]academy_x_ooc

*facepalm* Posting in the right community this time...

Hello, my pretties! Amanda here and as it would appear, I am very much a pushover. You are also a bunch of enablers. Ahem.

Everyone say hi to Mr. Peter Paul Winston Wisdom (whew), former MI-6 agent, former Black Air operative, and now that random old British guy lurking around the school. No, not Xavier (*ducks*); the one that smells like stale cigarettes and like he's soaked in scotch for days.

As of this very moment, he's still brand new to the school and mostly just taking up air until someone formally offers him a job. Eventually, he will be teaching (QUIT LAUGHING)...geography. His credentials? Uh. Well. He's traveled a lot? Mostly to spy on and/or kill people, but y'know. Details. As for power training, he'll be helping out with physical stuff, primarily hand-to-hand combat (think Bear Grylls, minus the crazy MacGuyver escape stuff).

I'm putting this up now just to let you know that The Man has arrived, but he isn't officially at the school yet. I'm probably properly going to introduce him tonight, in which event I would like someone to play Xavier, and/or some of the other teachers on staff. Inquire within!

The condensed bio. )

Ideas and potential scenes! )

[info]doff in [info]academy_x_ooc


Mostly. ^^ My place is a huge mess, and we won't have our own internet until Saturday... Grandma's still in the hospital, but she's doing MUCH better. I really want to jump back in. Comment and let me know what's been happening, so I can get caught up faster?

Also, if there are threads we have going (I've got a few tags in my inbox that are 12-14 days old O_O) that you want to keep up, let me know. Otherwise, let's just fade them to black and start new ones?

Feels good to be home. ^^
(Rogue, Paige, Wanda, Sooraya, Logan)