avenged sevenfold girls' Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
avenged sevenfold girls

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Michelle Haner [26 Apr 2012|07:38pm]

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-mod post [29 May 2011|08:30pm]
i'm going to be doing a clean out to remove the unnecessary journals, if you're removed by accident and you're still active on your journal all you need to do is request membership again. thank you for understanding.

(i'm leaving this public for those i've removed who want back in)

edit: i've given people ample time to get re-added after my clean out so now if you wish to be added it will go back to the way it was, thank you.
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UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT [27 Jan 2009|08:06pm]
The time has come for things to change in this community. A brand new set of rules have been set, and these new rules WILL be enforced by the new mods. We're not going to stand for the fighting and bitching that has taken over. A FULL COMMUNITY CLEAN OUT has been done, and ALL MEMBERS WERE REMOVED. You will need to reapply to join the community again. We hope this will cut back on the influx of random journals joining the community. So keep an eye out for that and we hope this will make the community more enjoyable for everyone, and we hope everyone can enjoy the fresh start this community needs.

• Membership to this community is moderated, and only active journals will be accepted into the community. This means empty journals and non-active community only journals will not be accepted. If your journal has never been updated, has no friends added and has never posted any comments you will not be accepted. This rule is NOT regarding your activity within the community itself. If you feel like you were rejected unfairly, contact the mod journal.

• All images are to be kept beneath a cut tag for the respect of those members with slower internet connections. If you don't know how to use a cut, you can learn how here.

• When requesting a fullsize, please try to offer a giveback. If you're asking for multiple icons, post them behind a cut tag also.

• Please don't disable comment's when posting. We believe in the freedom of discussion, as long as it's kept civil.

• Lastly, but most importantly have fun and please be respectful to fellow members and the girls themselves. We understand everyone has an opinion, but downright rude comments and fighting with other members will not be tolerated and all rude comments will be deleted asap. If you're acting like a jerk, you'll be given ONE warning from a moderator, but after that it is possible that you will be banned from the community.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to send a PM to [info]a7xgirlsmod or comment the post in that journal, all comments are screened.
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[05 Jan 2008|06:43pm]
Please join the community to see further entries.

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