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Feb. 1st, 2008


Knock Knock

Characters: Erik "Magneto" Lehnsherr.
Tagging: Pietro "Quicksilver" Maximoff.
Location: Washington.
Timeline: A little while after the Brotherhood meeting.
Description: Magneto and Quicksilver pay the secretary of defense a visit.

After leaving the meeting with the others Magneto had safely seen both himself and Pietro into the heart of Washington, pausing only when he was confronted with the sight of the metal gates surrounding the Secretary’s home. )

Jan. 30th, 2008


Worst Night

Characters: Ororo "Storm" Munroe.
Tagging: OPEN
Location: Mansion.
Timeline: Very late evening/very early morning.
Description: The dreams escalate until Ororo can no longer hold herself in check.

Ororo had thought with Hank’s drugs and her meditation she might be able to get a restful night’s sleep, but it would seem not. )


Email to Staff
To:All Staff Members


We need to arrange a meeting to discuss team building strategies and training, the team performance was not up to scratch during the last mission.

It has also been bought to my attention that we need to have some downtime and Emma has suggested perhaps a week of games that will allow integration of the students and team members. We need to determine whether or not this would be a viable idea and what positions the staff will have in these activities as well as which ones to do.

Please reply with a list of dates and times you are available for the meeting and we can arrange a time that is best suited to everyone.

Thank you.



Characters: Scott "Cyclops" Summers, Emma Frost
Location: Emma's office
Timeline: Present
Description: Scott and Emma have a discussion about the teams.

I think the idea of a week of games could be fun )

Jan. 28th, 2008


Characters: Mystique
Tagging: Pinch and the X-Factor
Timeline: This is a continuation of this scene.
Description: I wanted to start a new scene up.

There was a flash of light, then the sensation of intense heat that preceded the flames as they roared into life. The red hot tongues licked at her azure skin, singing her flesh. There was a commotion as people hurried to exit the building. Some of the people that had gathered to hear her speech ran outside after Pietro -- as if they stood a chance to compete with the speedster in a foot race. If Mystique weren't busy at the moment, she might have reminded them of that fact. While others fled, some just stood glued to their spot, struck with terror of the building burning around them. And still some were glued to the spot, paralyzed with fear, trapped by the flames and not knowing what to do. But just as quickly as the flames had erupted they were extinguished. Water sprayed freely from the burst pipe, landing on the ground below in fat drops with a sizzle as it quenched the flame. Those that had been trapped by the wall of fire, stood in astonishment now, staring up. Mystique, too, took a glance. But unlike all the agape idiots around her, was already reacting to what had happened. A scattered applause broke out in appreciation of Pinch's efforts and while they were distracted, Mystique leveled her pistol at the wall. She fired off three warning shots, the slugs burying themselves deep into the surrounding concrete. The crowd went silent once more. "Now that I have your attention," she began. "I want those two found," her voice was stern, bordering livid, but she kept her cool. "I want no stone unturned until I get Pietro's head on a pike. Now go!"

Mystique turned as the mutants rallied around her and left the building. Still holding her gun, she coddled her arm for a moment assessing the damage. Leather clad fingers gingerly touching her burned skin. That blond bitch was going to pay too. She turned and golden hued eyes drifted back up to where Pinch was perched. Now that the peons were gone, she could talk to someone that mattered, someone with a real gift and someone who wasn't afraid to show it. "Its alright girl, you can come down now," she said, motioning her forward. As a gesture of good faith Mystique holstered her weapon.


Home Again

Characters: John "Pyro" Allerdyce.
Location: John's apartment.
Timeline: A little while after the Brotherhood meeting.
Description: John goes home.

John meandered back into his living room, collapsing onto the couch as he inhaled and exhaled smoke from his lungs. A lot of things could and would kill him a lot faster than cancer so what were a couple cigarettes to his long term health? )


Notes From Emma's Blackberry

Re: Saturday night soirée?


I've had you on my mind all day. I think I might have found someone for your friend. I hope he likes redheads. I was thinking you could audition her Saturday night, then afterwards how does getting drinks sound?

Look forward to hearing back from you, darling.


Diamonds are a girls best friend.


Characters: Emma Frost and Bobby Drake
Location: Mansion, Emma's office
Timeline: Afternoon, present
Description: Bobby and Emma have a discussion.

'Mutations are not stagnant, Robert' )

Jan. 27th, 2008


Looking For Help

Characters: Ororo "Storm" Munroe
Tagging: Hank "Beast" McCoy
Location: Mansion/Med-lab
Timeline: Early afternoon.
Description: Ororo sees Hank about her sleeping problem.

Ororo had not slept as well as she had hoped she would with Logan in her bed, the argument probably hadn't helped but at least that had resolved itself. )


Characters: Rogue
Tagging: Magma
Timeline: After Magneto calls the Brotherhood to attention
Description: The two have a long awkward night ahead of them.

They walked in silence as they put some distance between themselves and the remaining Brotherhood members. And it wasn't until around block fifteen that Rogue reached into her pocket and produced a crumpled pack of cigarettes. She paused only a brief moment to light it, cupping her leather clad hands to shield the flame from snuffing out. Rogue, however, resumed her steady pace still not saying word one to Amara. Since she was able to fly she hadn't taken the time to walk anywhere, but she found the night air refreshing - it brought clarity of thinking. Betrayal culminated with anger and despair and a desperate need (one that would go unvoiced) for human contact. Her thoughts and her mind were all over the place. Her fingertips reached up and rubbed the deep wrinkle on her brow, trying to ebb out the vice like grip of a forming headache. Rogue just needed to focus right now. She'd just have to deal with whatever her hang ups were at a later date. Right now, it seemed, like she was actually going through the the plans of fortification.

Nearing the end of their two and a half mile journey, by foot, the Headquarters came into view. Since the trip Rogue had smoked nearly half a pack of cigarettes. Working on her last one for the time, she flicked it away and stopped a safe distance away. "They say home is where the heart is, Ah reckon now is as good time as any t'put that theory t'the test," she said dryly. From X-Men captive to Genoshan prisoner and everywhere in between it felt...almost queasy to be back after all of this. There was a bed inside that she had called her own...she had clothes that hadn't been worn in over a month, there was a shower...running water. Why was holding her back from getting excited about all of that? "Why don't we knock in and see if anybodies home?"

Jan. 26th, 2008



Private Email To Hank )


He's Baaaack!

Tagging: Ororo "Storm" Munroe - And whoever else is around the mansion.
Location: Mansion grounds
Description: The Canuck bastard finally returns.

The drive through from halfway across Canada to going back down into the states, New York in particular, took a good couple of days with countless hours being spent on the road. After finally deciding that he would return to the mansion, Logan only took to resting for food and shelter.

And now he was in Westchester. It was late in the night, well into the twilight hours - just the way he liked it. Logan wasn't looking for any welcome back party. Nor did he wish to be showered with either praise or residual anger from when he had left.

Slip into the bedroom, restock the drawers, and sleep. That was the plan. Just re-appear as he usually did. )


Restless Nights

Characters: Ororo "Storm" Munroe and NPC Student.
Location: Mansion.
Timeline: Early morning.
Description: Ororo can't sleep.

This was ridiculous, completely ridiculous. )

Jan. 23rd, 2008


Dance With Me?

Characters: Ororo "Storm" Munroe & Remy "Gambit" LeBeau.
Location: Mansion. Nightclub. Mansion.
Timeline: Late one evening.
Description: Two old friends go out, intending to have a good time.

Dancing; by the Goddess she missed it. )


Click, Click, Boom, Boom

Characters: Tessa "Sage" Niles.
Location: Shooting Range.
Timeline: Present.
Description: Sage needs to let off some steam.

She was dressed in black and carrying a silver case at her side, heels clicking with every confident movement of her ridiculously long legs. )

Jan. 21st, 2008


The Lost Viking

Character: Logan
Location: Alberta, Canada - Outside of a town
Timeline: Present (after running into Rogue)
Description: He's on the road and being haunted.

This was it, time to kill or be killed. Time to finish this and go home. )

Jan. 20th, 2008


Characters: Rogue and Logan
Location: A random roadhouse in Alberta, Canada
Timeline: When Rogue gets the telepathic message, a day before Magneto's meeting
Description: Oooh boy.

If home was where the heart was she was definitely more worse off than she had expected.  )

Jan. 21st, 2008


Private email to Storm )


Devils and Demons

Characters: Remy "Gambit" Lebeau
Location: His apartment in New York
Time: Present
Description: Remy's chased by the demons awoken by his most recent job.

New York City never slept. And neither would he tonight. )

Jan. 20th, 2008


Dream A Little Dream

Characters: Ororo "Storm" Munroe
Location: The X-Mansion
Timeline: A late night in the mansion.
Description: It's just a dream, or is it?

Not that her dreams were peaceful, far from it. )

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