April 2008

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January 13th, 2008

[info]x__celsior in [info]_unite_

M is for Mutant

Characters: Raven "Mystique" Darkholme
Tagging: Jamie "The X-Factor" Maddrox, Amara "Magma" Aquilla, Pietro "Quicksilver" Maximoff (if you're around Tirc) and any other characters that want to be involved!!
Timeline: Present
Location: Underground meeting of a new Brotherhood
Description: Mystique on a soapbox.

She glanced around the sewers at the throng gathered around. The word had gotten out it seemed. Since the martyrdom of Magneto, a ripple effect had surged through the mutant communitity. There were whisperings of what had happened, secret talks of mutant prison camps and Mystique was more than thrilled to ride the wave of suspision. Big Brother was watching...and he wasn't a mutant supporter. Convinced by Destiny to rally their brethren, Mystique sought out to rebuild their Brotherhood. It was time to strike while the iron was hot and make their demands.

"My fellow mutants, welcome to the land of hypocrisy; driven by pain, corruption, and our own elected tyranny. The homo sapiens own your life, the government let them own you, always held down by the knife. Greedy politicians controlling their thoughts in each and every way.

Attack them before they attack you, since everything they've done has been to harm you. Better safe than sorry, better now than never; the weather is always good, for a revolution.

This is the true aristocracy, we have no power; the government owns us. Pry your greedy hands up off of my freedom,
no life left, now that you rule this kingdom. An empowering constitution; forever corrupting our freedom.

Anti-mutantism is letting the worst succeed and the best be destroyed, no need to care. We live in this 'democratic' life, controlled by them; at least we can still rise up and create a better world without them. Watch the socialist laws and illegal rules they set up, it might just be the one thing that pushes us to the line they’ve drawn.

Wait for the day, that the sun glides down upon our lives; the one time we may be able to succeed in our revolutionary time. A world for the people, by the people; an eternity of freedom to exist beyond all the dictated mindsets; to which our great world was once made, controlled by these policed set ups and capitalist write ups.

Up with the mutant’s power, down with goverment. We are the people, we are the difference; without us, they are nothing. We control their paychecks, we are their politics; time to give up an old government for a new role in commencement.

This is our time."

If anyone had asked her, Tasha would have said the dingy warehouse was the last place in the world she expected to be today. )

OOC: To be continued in thread