Toujours Pur: The Black Family Community
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A community for the Black family from the Harry Potter book series.

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Back October 7th, 2007 Forward
Paint Me Black

Title: Paint Me Black
Pairings: strongly implied Remus/Sirius... strongly implied, as in I sort of flat out mention it.
Warnings: some language, some angst
A/N: This is one of my older stories. However, it remains one of my favorites because it is the story that made me love writing Regulus. It is a section from my series, Halcyon Days, but I wrote it to stand alone as well.

I don’t own these characters, I just play with them and hope they enjoy it. All characters used are property of JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Inc., Warner Bros., Et cetera et cetera. The song mentioned is, of course, "Paint it Black" by The Rolling Stones, and alas, I don't know what corporate entitities it belongs to, and so I'm just going to give it the 'et cetera' part, which is me trying to cover my legal bum.

Regulus spends a day watching the Marauders, and he learns more than he intended to about his brother and himself. It is a day of reflection; it is a day to remember. It is a day full of laughter, love, friendship, and music. For two brothers, it is a day that can illustrate what it really means to be from the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.

Back October 7th, 2007 Forward