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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in Shop Talk: Comics, RP, and Writing's InsaneJournal:

    Monday, March 19th, 2012
    4:52 pm
    So. I had an idea...
    I've actually been kicking this idea around for awhile now, but haven't really had the time to put it down on paper yet. ....Or internet paper, rather.

    While I know that a couple of people are in canon games, I was thinking of maybe setting up one for DC and one for Marvel? I've been hashing out timelines in my heads, and I was thinking I'd cut a DC-game off around before Identity Crisis (as I know a lot of people don't like it, and this way we can do stuff in canon if we want, but we can do our own "twist" on it, like we have before). Marvel, I was thinking before Disassembled, because again, I know that some people might not like the event itself...and a lot of events that have happened in more recent Marvel canon.

    Like with Tomorrow and Progeny, I was thinking of keeping them at the "relaxed" pace that we've been going with. Not a lot of pressure on people to run plots and such, but if they want to, they're more happy to. I know sometimes the next generation games tend to get more attention, which is fine with me, as long as people play and are happy.

    Like I've done in other games I've modded in the past, I'd be flexible with certain things that happened before the cutoff in a character's history, but if it's something that was really important in the character's history (i.e Barbara getting shot by the Joker and making the transition from Batgirl to Oracle) and/or possibly affected other characters (i.e The Death of Superman), it would have to stay in the character's history. If people wanted to make a case for certain things that are considered important (i.e Bart getting shot in the knee and becoming Kid Flash), there might have to be a case for it possibly not happening, but I would like a little more reasoning than just "I didn't like it". I'm not trying to be a bitch or anything, as generally, I am fairly flexible with people changing things around with characters in regards to certain things, I just like to see some more reasoning other than "I hated that" behind what might be considered a big part in the character's canon.

    In regards to character limits, I know people have their favorites that they love to play, but I've also noticed in some games, people might take on too many characters based off "I really like the character", and then maybe not play the character. I'm pretty sure I've been guilty of this at one point or another in games, too. I was thinking, to start, that players would be allowed any six characters that they wanted (Within reason. If you want to play Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain, and Barbara Gordon, I might raise my eyebrows at you, as you'd pretty much be playing the entire Batclan...and that's not fair to someone else), with the potential to add a seventh and a eight slot if they wanted to play a villain and a support character. Or two villains, or two support characters, as this is flexible. Some people like villains, some people like support characters. And why some people do have their favorites that they love playing, this is just to keep people from possibly overloading themselves with too many characters at first. I might eventually lift the limit, but I'd probably keep it in tact for awhile at first.

    In regards to apps, I'd probably be pretty flexible. While I'd probably ask for any potential plans that someone might have with the character, I think the most important things to me would be if there were any potential changes to the character's canon, how a character might be introduced (if they came in after the cutoff, for example), and the test scene. Though I know how pretty much everyone here writes, I like to see how people handle the characters. If it's a character someone's played before, and I've seen it, a link to previous post is fine (as I'd probably just approve it), but I just like to see how people play canon characters that they've never played before. Like I said, I'd be flexible, and wouldn't tear anything to shreds, I just like to see how people write characters.

    ...I might have already made comms at one point and started slowly setting them up. Just haven't gotten around to gauging interest yet. :)

    Feedback, obviously, is highly welcome and encouraged. <3
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