_prettythings_ [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
pretty things

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Fandom: Robin Hood [Aug. 12th, 2007|01:59 pm]
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This is the first post where i'll transfer all my stuff too, instead of just replicating posts, i'll just jam all the posts from the LJ comm into this one. So first up is ROBIN HOOD.

60 x Still Icons
19 x Animated Icons (15 mini movies, 4 text/pics)

2 x Wallpapers
1 x Userinfo Set
1 x Friends Only banner
5 x Headers
3 x Headers with matching icon

1 - For everything, plz credit me - i spent many an hour making these when i SHOULD have been out with Robin and the gang saving the world.
2 - DO NOT EDIT anything unless stated above the item that editing is ok
3 - Don't hotlink, i pay for my bandwidth - do you?! Don't be like the sheriff and in a very panto-like manner steal what i paid for.
4 - Tell me how utterly fabulous i am with comments and gifts of gold and silver (and white gold, and diamonds and slash)
5 - Enjoy them

Icons )
wallpapers and banners and other stuffs )

* resources are on the userinfo page, caps are always by me unless stated otherwise
* join [info]_prettythings_!!! here!!
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