The Path of Anyone and Everyone - August 26th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Path of Anyone and Everyone

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August 26th, 2005

Merry Meet [Aug. 26th, 2005|10:23 am]
Anyone about?

What about some questions to start things up?

1)How did you find your current path?

2)What about your path brings you fulfillment?

3)What about your path is a challenge for you?

1)I found my current path after a long, crazy journey through a mish-mash of Christian religions. I had just broken free from the JW cult when I happened upon references to "Goddess Worship." Since I was totally unable to connect to what I had come to view as a fierce punishing Christian God, (male) but still spiritually hungry I was immediately intrigued. I looked around and found Wicca and after much reading and deep contemplation became a solitary practitioner.

2)I find fulfillment in ritual, in magic, in my quiet studies and meditation. In communion with my Goddess I find deep satisfaction.

3)For me the rough part is accepting that my goddess does not require my servitude. She is not looking for grovelling such as I grew up accustomed to. She wants me to learn from her, to follow her paths to wisdom but she does not require an huge portion of gratitude for it, just my sincere thanks. I sometimes feel my own need/desire to give more. I think this has to do with wanting my Goddess to be the "parent" or "grown-up" in the relationship, with wanting the responsibility to belong to "other-than-me."
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