Heroes Game - November 21st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Heroes Game

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November 21st, 2009

since we're starting... [Nov. 21st, 2009|12:06 am]


Would anyone like to plot with Edgar here? I'm in the mood to write a bit.
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[Nov. 21st, 2009|11:41 pm]
hey everyone, I'm Berm and I'll be playing three boys here (maybe one more)
First is everyone's favorite or just mine really Petrelli - Peter.
Then I have two OCs Theron (whose ability is mediumship) and Phil (whose ability is elasticity). Theron is 22, Phil is 17. Phil has been with the Carnival for 2 years and Theron 10. I have Phil's info up and will have Theron's up tomorrow I'm just like zonked out but wanted to throw this up here real fast before I went to bed to see if anyone wanted any sort of plottage before I went to bed. Anywho, I'm very excited about the game and can't wait to play with you all!
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