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[12 Mar 2015|01:25pm]



At the height of the second Wizarding War, Albus Dumbledore went back in time, knowing he would never be able to return, and made sure Tom Riddle was never born. He succeeded, and since the fall of Grindelwald in 1945, the Wizarding World has known nothing but peace.

It is now the year 2003, and the ripple effect has caused everything to change. Those whose lives were ruined by war have unknowingly been granted a second chance. Everyday troubles and tribulations still plague them, but none of them have ever lived in a world threatened by Lord Voldemort.

But one day, strangers begin to appear, claiming they are from the year 2025. They aren't just from the future, though - the new arrivals quickly realize that the world they've entered is one where they don't even exist. With no way back to the timeline they know, they must do their best to adapt. But when it seems like things couldn't get worse, someone else arrives - this time from the past.

Tom Riddle.


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