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[26 Sep 2011|02:46pm]

[info]blights (mod)
[info]minrathous (ic) | [info]archdemons (ooc) | [info]bantered (banter)

In the age following the Fifth Blight, the world knew relative peace. Despite nations playing at war and political intrigue, terror of the Blight was passed. Children forgot to be afraid of darkspawn in the night, blighted lands began to grow, and the Grey Wardens lost sway with the people they were sworn to protect. Thedas moved on and forgot.

So begins the Shadow Age, one hundred and seventy years after the Archdemon was defeated in Denerim. Bands of darkspawn have been sighted in the Tevinter mountains. Rumored sightings of darkspawn with the ability to speak spread through Thedas. The Tevinter Imperium, left weak from its ongoing war with the Quinari, does not have the means for self defense. Orlais turns greedy eyes back toward Ferelden. The Grey Wardens, now regarded as an archaic order past its usefulness, sends out envoys to recruit anyone of use for the upcoming Blight. Thedas is poised on the edge of deep darkness and horror, in desperate need of heroes.

Will you be the one to fight?
Blights is a thread-heavy Dragon Age universe roleplaying game set during The Sixth Blight in the year 11:4 Shadow Age. We will be exploring many dynamics and angles, including political struggles, current events, war, plot development (both player's and game's) as well as character relationships. Added to this, we will be focusing on the whole of Thedas instead of on just one country and will be kept at a steady pace to move forward plot. We encourage all characters and all backgrounds as we hope to utilize all archetypes! In other words, Blights wants you and your character!

game starts october 10th.
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Losers Like Me. [26 Sep 2011|05:25pm]



Following along with Season 3's plot, Losers Like Me is a canon-based Glee game that will focus around character development and the "in-between scenes" of each episode. We'd love to fill all available "main" character slots before opening, and we're looking for more die-hard fans to join us! Head over to the mod journal for all the information you'll need before applying!

We are still looking for applicants for Finn Hudson, Noah Puckerman, Mercedes Jones, Artie Abrams, Emma Pillsbury, Sue Sylvester, Lauren Zizes, Sugar Motta, David Karofsky, more Warblers, and many more!

Game opens within the next couple of weeks!

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Crescendo [26 Sep 2011|09:56pm]
Frank Longbottom once had an awkward moment
...just to see how it feels.

And he's only one of the many awesome characters we have to over! Are you awesome? Do seek more awesomeness in your life? Do others not understand you B.A.M.F.ness? Then we need you to come and help us create so much bad-assery that the world actually implodes.

Crescendo is an AU Marauders Era RPG taking place in 1981, when the war is in full swing. What we offer you is the chance to determine the outcome of the war not through canon or through the mods telling you where the plot will go, but through your character's actions. We believe in giving you the freedom to let your characters and plots develop as they do naturally, without having to worry about making it fit into the outcome.

Everyone kicks ass, is friendly, and we're generally just a band of misfits having a good time. So if you think you'd be a good fit, come on over, we only bite if you ask.
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