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Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

    Time Event

    Terra Nova
    A Panfandom Game
    The year is 2043, the Earth is dying and the population have been subjected to violent outbreaks of harmful contagions that have been rendered incurable due to the over-use of antibiotics.

    In a secured bunker in the middle of Death Valley a team of scientists have been experimenting in order to preserve some semblance of a future for humanity. Using advanced particle-acceleration techniques the team have found a way of reversing time within a small field known as ‘The Gate’. Stepping into what is, effectively, a controlled black hole has become the only known way to escape, though ‘The Gate’ is programmed to shut down at the first sign of disease, to preserve what is now known as Future-Earth.

    A small group of volunteers headed back to the Cretaceous period in order to build a small colony that would become home to uninfected refugees from Future-Earth. Their efforts were going well and the site was beginning to come together when the bunker was stormed and Rebels took over the technology. Many were able to travel through ‘The Gate’ before an infection pathogen triggered its shutdown. The colonists were, eventually, able to fight off The Rebels and expel them from the colony, though many of their number were killed in the process.

    The colonists thought the experiment was over – nobody from the program came through ‘The Gate’ – they were on the verge of giving up hope. Then, for no known reason, ‘The Gate’ re-opened. Only, the people who came through weren’t from Future-Earth, they were from other worlds.

    Now a whole new breed of people are moving into the colony and are tasked with the protection of Future-Earth. Surrounded on all sides by some of the wildest terrain the planet has ever known and some of the most dangerous creatures, (including many Rebels who still see the colony as their only hope of survival) the colony must find a way to work together. And, more importantly, to survive.


    Terra Nova is a panfandom game set in an advanced technological colony built in the Cretaceous period. Your characters will be dropped into a complicated world that balances survival with the consequences of the proverbial Butterfly Effect.
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