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Monday, April 4th, 2016

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    X-Project - An X-Men Movieverse RPG


    Don’t you wonder who would win in a battle of the movieverse Avengers against the movieverse X-Men? Do you wonder what role Agents of SHIELD would have in a world where mutants exist? Do you wish you could have two Spider-Men swinging across New York City instead of only Peter Parker?

    With X-PROJECT, now you can! Before Marvel’s own reality-smooshing event of the Secret Wars, X-Project underwent a relaunch, which expanded the pool of usable concepts to all of the Marvel properties, regardless of who holds the licence. Using the X-Men franchise as a base, we are now pulling in elements from the MCU, Spider-Verse and other properties.

    Established in May 2003, X-Project is a journal-based RPG on Livejournal. We use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and the slate has been wiped clean on all of our available and retired characters.

    ***Please Note: The Avengers themselves are modsock NPCs and not available for apps***

    Check out the Wiki and the unplayed characters page to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men-based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

    Welcome to X-Project | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ | Contact Us | Follow Us on Twitter! | Rules | Tumblr | Application Checklist

    Castle Ghrian: The Panfandom Vacation You Never Asked For.


    Named for the sun, Castle Ghrian is a lavish and timeless castle surrounded by rolling hills and an enchanting lake in the heart of Ireland. You may not have arrived here of your own free will, but there's no denying that it is a place of luxury. Practically everything you could need or even want is located on the grounds or given to you freely by the staff. There's only one catch -- there is no way to leave, no matter how powerful you might be. Fortunately, you're welcome to take advantage of all the castle has to offer. You've been given free reign in a gilded trap.

    What will you do with your time?

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