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Friday, December 18th, 2015

    Time Event
    Are you ready to save the world?

    In the 15th Century, an award called the Order of Merlin was created in honor of the great wizard and given out by the Wizengamot to wizards who achieved some measure of greatness. It is that the wider public thinks of when they hear the phrase “Order of Merlin.”

    Which is exactly how the organization likes it.

    The real Order of Merlin is an intelligence agency that works with Ministries of Magic around the world to investigate, detect, and exterminate magical threats to the safety of both Muggles and wizards. The year is now 2016, and a whole new class of recruits has been pulled from a wide and varied pool of witches and wizards. However, trouble is brewing on the horizon.

    The more missions the recruits complete, the more it becomes clear that the Order of Merlin is playing right into the hands of a rising new villain that has the potential to be more dangerous to the Wizarding World than You-Know-Who ever was...

    So. Do you have what it takes to save the world?

    Game opens January 1, 2016.

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