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Friday, May 1st, 2015

    Time Event
    Welcome to Cross Creek

    premise rules species directory holds wanted apply mod

    Cross Creek, a city built on the shores of a waterway that serves as a supernatural rift between realms: heaven, hell, purgatory and other supernatural dimensions. The more supernatural beings that have settled on the banks of the creek, the wider and deeper the creek has grown.

    The wolves were the first to settle, establishing their pack on the western banks of a small creek known for its deceptive and deadly undertow. Next to arrive were the vampires with their secrets and intrigue. Humans, too afraid to cross the water and risk their lives, began inhabiting the eastern banks of the town while other supernatural creatures flowed to the area as if answering a siren's call. The curious fae and fierce merfolk also arrived from their own realms, becoming the first truly visible supernatural inhabitants. The addition of witches, demigods, demons and angels as residents helped develop Cross Creek into a truly supernatural-friendly city. There are now beings residing in this supernatural haven that have yet to be heard of ... .

    As the Iron Ridge Pack struggles to recover from the recent murder of their Alpha and a faction of vampires have secretly begun a territorial war for the eastern shore, both the city's human and supernatural residents are being hunted by a serial killer without bias toward his victims. The fae and merfolk, whose blood provides different types of highs for supernatural beings, struggle to defend their individual species from becoming slaves in an underground species trading market. Meanwhile, other supernatural beings and humans alike attempt to maintain their lifestyles and raise families while living in a city settled on a river that is a portal between realms.

    A character and plot-driven supernatural rpg, we are currently seeking original, creative characters and species, as well as canon characters from the fandoms of Supernatural, The Originals and The Vampire Diaries. We promote a welcoming environment for writers who enjoy diverse characters, storylines and detailed plots surrounding the supernatural. [info]crosscreek provides an active and fun, yet laid back environment for the creative and mature role-player. Due to content involved in the game, players must be at least 18 years of age in order to apply. Join us with a species of your own or choose from one of the many already established!

    Twisted Island
    Twisted Island

    The playground of the forgotten goddess.

    Toto, this doesn't quite seem like Kansas anymore. The island is far from the world you remember. This isn't your home, this isn't even Earth from as far as you can tell. But why? How did you get here? It seems the whims of an unknown and forgotten goddess has decided to make you her plaything, dragging you from your world and timeline and placing you on an inescapable island. Welcome to Twisted Island, where anything can happen and it usually does.

    The island changes with the mood of the goddess. It’s her playground and you are one of the very many toys in it. But you’re not alone. There are others stuck on the island just like you and if you’re lucky the goddess didn't just steal you away, but friends and family you know as well. Best idea though? Make friends, powerful friends. Make sure there are people to watch your back because when the island starts to change, you're going to need every little bit of help you can get.

    Will you survive, or will you give up and break under the pressure? Apply and become one of the many playthings that the goddess loves to toy with on Twisted Island. Only canon characters are allowed. The game will start May 10, 2015. Go check out the Wanted Characters or Holds page and get your application in!

    Game will start on May 10th. APPLY TODAY.

    [info]twistedlandmods | [info]twistedlandrp | [info]twistedlandooc
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