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Sunday, January 11th, 2015

    Time Event

    A Ripple In Time
     Be silent! Be still!... That's it... and look upon this moment. Savor it! Rejoice with great gladness! Great gladness! Remember it always, for you are joined by it. You are One, under the stars. Remember it well, then... this night, this great victory. So that in the years ahead, you can say, 'I was there that night!' For it is the doom of men that they forget. 
    Welcome to Avalon...
    A world set out of time and space... preserved by great magic long lost... A Ripple In Time is a Harry Potter-Verse game set outside of Time and Space in Avalon. Canon characters are pulled as teens and given a second chance at life, learning from the Greats of their world.

    [info]slushees, a "Glee Fix" role play experience that allows you to get to decide what happens! Pick your favorite character and decide what their fate will be.

    Currently we are looking for: Santana Lopez, Noah Puckerman, Artie Abrams, Mike Chang, Dave Karofsky, Mercedes Jones, Unique Adams, Roderick, Spencer, Jane, Mason & Madison, Vocal Adrenaline's Clint, Cheerio Bree, Brody Weston, Thad Harwood, Nick Duval & Hunter Clarington, the new Warblers, Jesse St. James, Joe Hart, Cooper Anderson, Sugar Motta, Jean-Baptiste of Throat Explosion, Biff McIntosh and more. Apply here!


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    What if the Mayans weren’t entirely wrong?
    What if the way the world worked as we knew it ended?
    What if we were powerless to stop it?

    On the 21st December 2012, a massive electromagnetic pulse tore through the worlds electrical systems, brought on by a huge solar flare.

    The disruption was instant. Power and communication systems shut down. Planes plunged from the sky, trains derailed and hospital equipment failed, resulting in the deaths of many. Others left stranded and trapped without any way to call for help. Along with many people injured by power surges and gas explosions. The banks crashed and people soon turned to looting and rioting.

    The world was plunged into darkness and chaos, and uprisings and lawlessness rock this now dark new world.

    Three years have passed, the world has torn itself apart, with billions dying and systems of government and law and order broken, a part of memory. But the world lurches on, and in one part of North America, a new community is rising... and fighting.

    This community of once floating refugees now live without electricity. They are getting by in ways that had become close to obsolete in the pre-blackout world, farming, bartering, trading and living in manageable tribal groups, plagued by hunger, bandits, religious zealots and illnesses, as well as the more mundane issues of finding your place, falling in love and generally getting by.


    ‘Stone Gap’ is an original character game set in a dystopian world where characters live within Tribes in Stone Gap, Oregon - born out of the ruins of a place once called Cascade Locks.

    As it has only been three years since the Pulse, everything is still pretty unstable and fractured - the world as well as the people. The tribes of Stone Gap have an understanding with each other but hackles can easily rise as they work to rebuild and establish their own territories.

    If this type of game appeals to you then please read the relevant information and join us!

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us: or leave a message in the Dropbox

    ~OPENING 17th JANUARY~ Join today>>>>>

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