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Friday, October 10th, 2014

    Time Event

    Welcome to the town of Normalcy, Ohio, an ironically named place considering just how lacking in normality it really is. With a rather humble population of a little over 18,000, most of the residents have come to expect the unexpected. Daily life is still just as routine and tedious as it is everywhere else, but some days the mysteries of life like to throw an unexpected wrench into things just to see what can happen.

    Focusing on the local college, most of Normalcy is made up of students, all managing to get into the rather small, four year school that hosts a variety of subjects and degree paths. Hardly any of the students were born in the town, some even coming from out of state. How they ended up at such a unique college is not important, but rather, how they're handling it.

    Aside from the typical college woes: classwork, homework, extracurricular activities, fitting in, meeting people, making friends, trying not to look like a dope in front of that girl you like, students at Normalcy have extra obstacles to tackle. Those obstacles could include: zombies, waking up in someone else's body, vampires, finding the world is upside down, a total blackout, only being able to speak in song, and the usual nightmare of being naked in class.

    And you thought getting to graduation was going to be the hard part.

    Normalcy is an original role-playing game based in a fictitious town, focusing on teachers and students at the local college. The game aims to be a quirky, offbeat adventure for your characters, where one day everything could be completely normal, and the next is like a scene of out your favorite movie.

    Random events, created by the mods and the players, taken from various movie/book/tv show/original idea settings, will be used to create an exciting, albeit temporary, plot to play out. The over all plot is simply a social one, with the characters just going through daily life, however normal or insane it is.

    The game works on an independent calendar, set in the current year, but runs on a two out of character days to every one in character day system, setting it behind the current date.


    [info]normalcyrpg via [info]normalcymods

    When one first walks up to the Carnival, it doesn’t appear to be much. There are 6-foot tall fences around the perimeter covered in black tarps and old sideshow advertisements-- the kind that were painted on big drop cloths depicting women lying with snakes, and men swallowing swords. It is an array of the odd and the interesting. Visible against the alluring ads are unmistakable and unable to be missed NO TRESPASSING signs that seem as threatening as they are ominous.

    The carnival sign is unlit and unimpressive until sundown when it lights up in such a way it almost seems to draw people in. Something about it is hard to explain and impossible to walk away from as it lords over a ticket booth manned by two people in face make-up. Once inside people will only be charged extra for food and services such as fortune telling or face painting. All of the night’s shows can be viewed freely.

    Once inside, the carnival is set up in a series of corridors, it’s easy to get lost, which is what the carnival wants: to get you lost, to spend more time, to see more. There are tents and booths, some big, some small, some two stories high so acrobats can fly through them. Booths might be selling wares or offering you a sample of their baked goods, while others may offer tarot readings or throw runes. You may even stumble across a tent with a woman inside, selling potions with outlandish claims. Occasionally there are callers outside shows, advertising those inside, drawing people closer. A guest might walk right into a contortionist doing her show on a pedestal in a courtyard setting. Everything is fantastical, even the food. At this carnival, a bite of cotton candy might taste like popcorn and the popcorn may smell like cider.

    There’s a ferris wheel that looks over the whole place, lighting up once the grounds open at night, yet it only serves to make it look more and more unreal to see it all at once. Don’t count on the carnival’s arrangement being the same if you return for a second viewing, though. Things seem to always move. New acts are added and locations change to try to force people to see new things each time.

    This is not a place for children, though. Some of the acts are of the adult (or questionable) nature. Some of the monstrosities viewable within the tents leave people mentally scarred. After leaving the carnival, it has been reported that guests feel ill or suffer from paranoia, or have little recollection of what they saw.

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