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Sunday, June 8th, 2014

    Time Event

    Welcome to the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. This is the home, the training center—the very foundation—of the X-Men.

    It is a school that has been founded to be the home that many mutants no longer have, either because they rejected or left out of fear for their own safety. Gifted youngsters are safe within the walls of Xavier's, learning to hone their powers and preparing them for a world that fears and hates them.

    Trouble lies upon the horizon as politicians move to push through anti-mutant legislation, including new mutant registration laws. This only causes the Brotherhood of Mutants to stir up trouble in opposition. Students must decide where they will stand when humans and mutants alike reach their breaking point.

    [info]xmenmods is a game influenced by the X-men film trilogy and X-men: Evolution; a low level stress game based out of New York and laid out for players to explore their characters and the society around them as humans struggle with the concept of mutants, students work through typical teenage angst and the Brotherhood and the X-men continue to find themselves at odds.

    When Darkness Falls: The Revelation
    When Darkness Falls is an original character role-playing game set in the iconic city of New Orleans, Louisiana. The story began (November 2012) when supernatural beings were still hidden from the public, living alongside unsuspecting humans who were never the wiser. Werewolves, vampires, shape-shifters, and gifted humans struggled to keep their secrets, while still maintaining relatively "normal" lives. Now, however, the winds of change are blowing and something big is coming to the supernatural world.

    A group of humans, bent on exposing the supernaturals for what they are, have began cropping up in cities across the globe, including New Orleans. Slowly other humans are becoming more receptive to their insistence that there are evil things lurking right in their own back yards. The supernatural community is nervous, unsure of how to stop a threat unlike anything they have ever seen before.

    The biggest change of all is coming in the months ahead, and it will alter both the human and supernatural worlds forever. There will be no going back, and no one is sure of how the future will be going forward. Will you be here for the revelation?

    We are currently seeking active, plot driven writers to join our ranks. If you love to plot, thread, and communicate with others, we're looking for you!

    Premise - Game Timeline - Species Info - Game Rules - Character Directory - Places to Know - Wanted - Taken PB's - Holds - Application
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