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Monday, March 24th, 2014

    Time Event

    You might've been sleeping, walking to work, eating, showering, or in a battle for your life when you suddenly find yourself in front of a sign with nothing but what you had with you at the time of your departure. There is a table at the base of the sign, a radio, key, a map to the city and mobile device sit there waiting. Static suddenly breaks through the silence, and a voice crackles through the radio speakers.

    "Congratulations traveler, you're one of the lucky few that have been chosen to populate this particular location."

    There is a moment of silence before the voice continues.

    "Welcome to Las Vegas, better known as Sin City where fun awaits you! Please make your way to our replica of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino to find your room. You are not allowed to reside within any other hotel here in Las Vegas, but you are able to use their facilities, amenities, and casinos. Thank you, traveler, and enjoy your stay in Las Vegas."

    The radio shuts off, leaving you in silence.

    Upon arriving at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino you notice there are several other people milling about, workers who are going about their business but no matter how many questions you ask them, they will not speak to you, and instead they continue to work.

    Going to your room, you find that there on the door is a golden plate that reads your name and room number. Entering the room you find that some of your clothing has arrived, but that's about all you have from home.

    And there, on the table in your room, is a complimentary fruit basket, once again welcoming you to Las Vegas.

    Game has been open since October 28th.

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