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Friday, February 14th, 2014

    Time Event

    Legendary romance
    is in the air...

    The Sea King and the Strategist
    ♥ Triton and Athena ♥

    "I won't lose you."

    "Same here."

    Magic and Mischief
    ♥ Mab and Puck ♥

    "Why are you hesitating?"

    "Because today is not our day to die."

    Rhythm and Romance
    ♥ Bes and Erato ♥

    "You know that little jolt of joy you get when you're working on a jigsaw puzzle, and you find these two pieces that, at first, you wouldn't have guessed go together, but they snap into place and it's a perfect fit? Snap."


    ...and many more!

    Come fall in love at Metempsychosis today!

    Now accepting applications!


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