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Monday, October 7th, 2013

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    Trevor Leicester was not Minister of Magic for long when he announced that he was meeting with the Muggle Minister of Magic in London, England to discuss the removal of the Statute of Secrecy from their world and merging the two into one, with the backing of other Minister's from around the world. This was met with anticipation by many. Throughout the decades magical blood had been more prominent then ever in Muggle born's who were not able to fully share their lives with extended family and it was a change many had desired. On August 20th, 2030 a woman's corpse was found on the steps of the Ministry of Magic, a note clipped to her blouse with an unusual symbol and two short words scrawled underneath for the Minister of Magic: 'For Leicester.'

    The murder came as a shock to the magical people, who had lived in peace for quite as long as they had. The woman's death was magical in nature and the case was assigned to the Auror's. People began to go missing, stolen from work, home or even the streets and bodies, growing increasingly gruesome were staged outside of vital buildings, magical and muggle alike, from England to Bulgaria with each person having some tie to the Minister's office. With the case spread across boarders a new office for magical law enforcement was set up within London's Ministry of Magic for the many members to work out of.

    The times between each abduction and murder is becoming shorter, with the killer remaining free and with more people raising up to support his cause. The Auror's assigned the case are more desperate to catch the madman who is behind these murderers, while the public is growing afraid as they haven't been since Voldemort.

    [info]silentstatute Is a next-generation Harry Potter game set in 2030 focusing on the plight of a world plagued by a mass murderer, the lives effected by the case and the Auror's who seek to catch this person and the politics surrounding it..

    Game opens soon.
    Most Wanted: Everyone.

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