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Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

    Time Event
    Bizarre City - Modern Fantasy/Supernatural



    Can you survive in a world where what you see is not what you get?

    Welcome to modern day San Francisco, CA where the supernatural community mingles with mundane (humans) as they try to live out their own lives in relative peace. Although, not everyone is happy to enjoy the liberties granted by masquerading as a human through The Veil.

    THE VEIL. A mysterious force preventing mundanes from seeing Creatures of Fantasy by subconsciously tweaking what they see, hear, and feel. However, not all CoFs are happy with the deception. Some are determined to see The Veil torn down and bring about a new age of awareness with their Acts of Will to defy The Veil's protective influence.

    AEGIS INTERNATIONAL. Agents of the Veil who police the world and prevent Creatures of Fantasy from tearing down The Veil with outrageous displays of power.

    THE FAE TERRITORIES. Scattered territories beyond The Veil where a majority of Creatures of Fantasy live outside of mundane people's awareness. A location referred to as The Court harbors the Fae Queen, the most politically powerful position among The Fae, and her court.

    THE HUNTERS. Among those who can pierce The Veil, Hunters are considered extremely lethal for their combination of abilities and finely honed combat skills.
    What side will you be on?
    Mature, 18 years or older

    Chyleiah or TheMelisande
    Game is currently OPEN.
    MOST WANTED: Sister for Roxy Hill, Relations for Azyebel Salicar, Faerie Folk, Aegis Agents, Relations for Aliandra Frost

    To Find Yourself, Maybe You Have To Lose Yourself First

    You're in a whole new place. Not just a new city or state, not even just a new country. A whole new damned planet. You know you didn't get here on your own. Neither did the people that you're with. You think you know some of them, might have met them once or twice. Do they know you, too? Everything here is strange. The plants, the animals, did that guy have three eyes, or a clever tattoo? How did this happen? What is going on? You need to find answers, and you need to make sure that you're going to survive.

    The Universe Is Strange, Can You Adapt?
    Premise // Character List
    Mod Journal // Lost World // OOC


    The gods have not faded away, or been reborn. They are not in high school. They have not forgotten who they were. They remember, because they still exist.

    The Sumerians are still insular and superior, the Greeks still squabble amongst themselves more than they do with the other pantheons, and the Norseā€¦ well, with Loki on the loose and Ragnarok threatened, they have their hands full. How will they manage to coexist? How have they done so thus far? What happens when Anubis meets Hades? Or Thor challenges Nergal?

    Come help us continue the myths.

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